Opinion Article
Enhancing Knowledge About Use of Herbal Interventions in Cancer Care: Resources for Patients and Healthcare Providers
Deborah A Boyle*
Oncology Clinical Nurse Specialist, Advanced Oncology Nursing Resources, USA
Deborah A Boyle, Oncology Clinical Nurse Specialist, Advanced Oncology Nursing Resources, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
Received Date:June 10, 2023; Published Date:July 14, 2023
The use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) has been reported within the context of all types of cancer and at varying stages along its continuum. Global reports estimate that forty to seventy percent of patients with cancer use some type of interventions and that over the past decade, incidence has risen [1,2]. Reports of steadily increasing adoption of CAM therapies have emanated from Korea, Iran, Australia, the Netherlands, Palestine, Italy, Nigeria, South Africa, Taiwan, Canada, Israel, Ghana, Sweden, China, Turkey, Sri Lanka, Poland, Singapore and the United States [3]. Hence, CAM has a global link with cancer worldwide. However, in today’s reality, it is not systematically addressed in clinical practice.
Deborah A Boyle*. Enhancing Knowledge About Use of Herbal Interventions in Cancer Care: Resources for Patients and Healthcare Providers. On J Complement & Alt Med. 8(4): 2023. OJCAM.MS.ID.000694.