Research Article
Effectiveness of Mindfulness Strategy to Promote Cultural Awareness Among Undergraduate Nursing Students in Egypt and the United States
Audrey Tolouian1*, Naglaa El Mokadem2, Melissa Wholeben1, Sarah Yvonne Jimenez1 and Diane Rankin2
1Department of Nursing, University of Texas at El Paso, United States
2Department of Nursing, Menoufia University, Cairo, Egypt
Audrey Tolouian, University of Texas at El Paso, 500 W University Ave, El Paso, Texas 79902, United States of America.
Received Date:December 20, 2022; Published Date:January 11, 2023
Nursing students across the globe have committed themselves to one of the most demanding courses of study as they prepare for professional practice. The stress associated with nursing school was amplified with the isolation and uncertainty brought on by worldwide quarantines during the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this project was to implement a virtual international exchange program titled “the Coffee Shop” to determine its effectiveness as a strategy to promote cultural awareness, increase cultural empathy, and enhance self-care through mindfulness among nursing students enrolled in undergraduate nursing programs in Egypt and the United States in 2020. Students’ cultural mindfulness and cultural empathy levels were assessed before and after the initiation of a series of virtual sessions that incorporated mindfulness activities. Forums were included to promote cross-cultural dialogue. Due to the universities closing for Covid-19, there was an insufficient number of surveys completed at the end of the sessions to allow for meaningful comparison studies. Informal student feedback at program completion indicated satisfaction with this virtual international mindfulness exchange. Further investigation is needed to determine if incorporating mindfulness education in an international virtual exchange program enhances cultural empathy and bolsters students’ self-care skills to manage stress.
Audrey Tolouian*, Naglaa El Mokadem, Melissa Wholeben, Sarah Yvonne Jimenez and Diane Rankin. Effectiveness of Mindfulness Strategy to Promote Cultural Awareness Among Undergraduate Nursing Students in Egypt and the United States. On J Complement & Alt Med. 8(2): 2023. OJCAM.MS.ID.000682.