Review Article
Can Spearmint Be a Natural Alternative to Spironolactone in Treating Increased Androgen Levels?
Kayla Penta1*, Jill Frasco1 and Delaney Stuhr 2
1Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine - Elmira, NY, United States.
2Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine - Bradenton, FL, United States.
Kayla Penta, Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine - Elmira, Elmira, NY 14901, Unites States.
Received Date:April 24, 2023; Published Date:May 18, 2023
Medical spironolactone and the natural spearmint plant have been studied to determine their antiandrogenic effects and influence on conditions associated with elevated levels of androgens such as polycystic ovary syndrome and acne. Spironolactone functions as an androgen receptor antagonist and combats the effects of excess testosterone. Spearmint is a member of the mint family and contains carvone, which contributes to its antiandrogenic effects. This review will introduce each of these treatments and compare recent studies to previous research investigating topics such as the expected amount of time it will take either spironolactone or spearmint to lower androgen levels, as well as the efficacy and safety of each option.
Keywords:Acne; Androgens; Polycystic Ovary Syndrome; Spearmint; Spironolactone
Abbreviations:ACE: angiotensin-converting enzyme; BMI: Body Mass Index; DHEA: Dehydroepiandrosterone; FSH: Follicle-Stimulating Hormone; LH: Luteinizing Hormone; NSAID: Non- steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug; PCOS: Polycystic ovary syndrome; SHBG: Sex Hormone Binding Globulin
Kayla Penta, Jill Frasco and Delaney Stuhr. Can Spearmint Be a Natural Alternative to Spironolactone in Treating Increased Androgen Levels?. On J Complement & Alt Med. 8(4): 2023. OJCAM.MS.ID.000691.