Open Access Short Communication

Breathing in Silence

Viviana Siddhi*

Slovenian-Born Artist, NGO Mandala Transformation, USA

Corresponding Author

Received Date: April 19, 2020;  Published Date: May 14, 2020


Time governs not only planetary movements but also the cycles of human life. The movement of time in the individual life is linked with a cycle of vata-pitta-kapha. Ayurveda teaches that there are three important milestones in the human lifetime: childhood, adulthood and old age. Childhood is the time of kapha, and children may suffer many kapha disorders such as lung congestion, cough, cold and mucus secretions. Adulthood encompasses the years from sixteen to fifty. This period is the time of pitta when the individual is active and full of vitality. Old age is the time of vata. In old age, disorders will include vata ailments, such as breathlessness, arthritis, loss of memory, wrinkles and varieties of diseases.

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