Be Mindful of Mindful Practices: Integrating Successful Practice May Require Continuing Group Mindfulness Sessions
Susan Penque1* and Jacquelyn Rosen2
1Nursing Department, Long Island University-Post, Brookville, New York
2Professional Development, Mount Sinai South Nassau, Oceanside, New York
Susan Penque, Nursing Department, Long Island University- Post, Brookville, New York, 18 Frans Way, Shelton, CT 06484.
Received Date: March 22, 2021; Published Date:April 08, 2021
Mindfulness practices are both enlightening and enriching to the mind, body and soul. The art of mindfulness is a practice offered by various professional groups to aid one in becoming aware of their inner thoughts and feelings and responding in a positive, objective manner. With the COVID-19 pandemic among us, mindfulness practices assist many people cope with the anxiety and negativity from this viral devastation. To maximize the benefits of mindfulness, it is best practiced on a regular basis.
Susan Penque, Jacquelyn Rosen. Be Mindful of Mindful Practices: Integrating Successful Practice May Require Continuing Group Mindfulness Sessions. On J Complement & Alt Med. 6(2): 2021. OJCAM.MS.ID.000635.