Using L-type Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels (LVGCC) Antagonists to Treat Withdrawal Symptoms of Chronic Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Behzad Saberi1*, Behrouz Saberi Tehrani2
2MD, Phd, Specialist in Preventive and Community Medicine, Iran
Behzad Saberi, MD, Medical Research, Iran.
Received Date: March 24, 2019; Published Date: April 03, 2019
L-type Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels (LVGCC) are among ion-channels which their functions would be altered during some abused drugs withdrawal and alcohol withdrawal [1-3]. During alcohol consumption, the levels of L-type Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels would be increased in some parts of the brain including hippocampus and striatum. Using L-type Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels antagonists would decrease craving and tolerance and ameliorate alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Since LVGCC in the striatum is necessary in behavioral sensitization to amphetamine expression, higher levels of LVGCC could induce Long Term Depression (LTD) and develop behavioral sensitization expression after exposing to the drug [4-6]. The clinical importance of such findings indicates that using LVGCC inhibitors would be helpful to counteract early withdrawal symptoms of alcohol and some other drugs in patients consuming alcohol in chronic manner and abuse drugs for long times [7-8].
Behzad Saberi, Behrouz Saberi Tehrani. Using L-type Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels (LVGCC) Antagonists to Treat Withdrawal Symptoms of Chronic alcohol and Drug Abuse. Open Access J Addict & Psychol. 1(5): 2019. OAJAP.MS.ID.000525.