Research Article
Does Emotional Intelligence Impact an Adolescent Recovery Program?
Betsye Robinette and BJ Fratzke*
Behavioral Sciences Division, Indiana Wesleyan University, USA
BJ Fratzke, Behavioral Sciences Division, Indiana Wesleyan University, 4201 South Washington Street, Marion, IN 46953, USA.
Received Date: January 07, 2019; Published Date: February 08, 2019
Adolescents in a substance recovery high school treatment program were found to relapse after returning to regular high school at a rate of 80%. This study looked for factors that may be related to this relapse such as emotional intelligence (EI), attachment, relationship skill, and parental factors including the degree of parental protectiveness and parental spirituality. Results indicated that emotional intelligence is significantly related to an adolescent’s ability to develop a healthy positive internal self and may indicate that students who were less able to use emotions to impact their thinking were unable to harness their emotions for problem-solving as shown by increase in relapse rates. Discussion suggests that the addition of training in EI during the treatment program may therefore help reduce relapse rates.
Keywords:Adolescent recovery; Emotional intelligence; Attachment; Parental factors
Betsye Robinette, BJ Fratzke. Does Emotional Intelligence Impact an Adolescent Recovery Program?. Open Access J Addict & Psychol. 1(4): 2019. OAJAP.MS.ID.000518.