Towards High Performance CNT-Based Electrode Materials via Chemical Vapor Deposition Approach
Abdalghaffar M Osman1, Ramadan A Geioushy* and Osama A Fouad2
1Chemistry Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia
2Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Department, Advanced Materials Division, Central Metallurgical R & D Institute (CMRDI), Egypt
Ramadan A Geioushy, Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Department, Advanced Materials Division, Central Metallurgical R & D Institute (CMRDI), PO Box, 87 Helwan, 11421 Cairo, Egypt.
Received Date: March 31, 2020; Published Date: April 06, 2020
Recently, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) electrodes have increasingly attracted great attention in various applications such as energy storage, conductive adhesive; catalyst supports owing to their unique 1D tubular structure, high specific capacity, large surface area, and high electrical conductivity [1]. CNTs have high ability to mediate rapid electron transfer kinetics for a wide variety of electroactive species. Moreover, CNTs are easily modified and functionalized to suite different biological and environmental applications. However, the performance and the manufacture techniques of CNTs electrode have exposed to scientific researchers to be enhanced. CNTsbased electrodes could be fabricated via compressing and coating technologies. Unfortunately, these techniques have a negative impact on the adsorption performance of the electrode [2] as well as coating detachment after a short period [3]. At the present time, arc discharge, laser ablation, catalytic thermal decomposition and chemical vapor deposition (CVD) techniques have been used to synthesize CNTs [4,5]. Arc discharge and laser ablation are still not applicable in the industry due to the low mass production. Whereas, CVD performs a better production of large quantities of CNTs at a low cost, besides, the strong layer stuck over the substrate which in turn improves the performance of the electrode material and can be reused several times.
Abdalghaffar MO, Ramadan AG, Osama AF. Towards High Performance CNT-Based Electrode Materials via Chemical Vapor Deposition Approach. Mod Concept Material Sci. 3(1): 2020. MCMS. MS.ID.000552.
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