Open Access Opinion

The Reproducibility Crisis in Science from the Perspective of Thin Film Deposition: An Unexpected Approach

Carlos Morales1*, Leonardo Soriano1 and Carlos Sánchez2

1Department of Applied Physics and Nicolás Cabrera Institute, Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain

2Department of Materials Physics and Nicolás Cabrera Institute, Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain

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Received Date: September 23, 2020;  Published Date: October 12, 2020


The publication of scientific results in all disciplines, and in particular in Material Science, has geometrically increased in the last decades. Although the quality of the published results seems to follow the same trend, the feeling that we could be facing a reproducibility crisis has become extended within the scientific community. We discuss this issue in relation to thin film deposition techniques such as atomic layer deposition, which should not present deviations on the reported results due to its self-limiting nature. In particular, we put the focus on the necessity of a multipolar approach that takes into account also the global environment in which researchers perform their work.

Keywords: Material science; Reproducibility crisis; Emotional and mental health

Abbreviations: ALD: Atomic Layer Deposition; CVD: Chemical Vapor Deposition

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