Research Article
Precision Ellipsometry for Quantitative Real-Time Monitoring of Molecular Layers
Nikolai L Yakovlev*
Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Singapore
Nikolai L Yakovlev, Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, Agency for Science, Technology and Research, 2 Fusion polis Way, Innovis, #08-03, 138634, Singapore.
Received Date: July 26, 2019; Published Date: August 02, 2019
Precision ellipsometry (PREL) is optical technique that uses polarization modulator to measure changes in the state of light polarization reflected off a surface of a material. Based on new modulation concept, a polarization modulator was made, which is compact, non-magnetic, consuming low power. With this modulator, a portable PREL system was made and was shown to have sensitivity at molecular level via experiments on attachment of various molecules on silicon surface from air and from water. Real-time measurements of kinetics of molecular binding gave insights into mechanisms of the binding and gave directions to improvement of technology of fabrication of respective materials.
Nikolai L Yakovlev. Precision Ellipsometry for Quantitative Real-Time Monitoring of Molecular Layers. Mod Concept Material Sci. 1(4): 2019. MCMS.MS.ID.000520.