Research Article
Added Value of Barki Wool Comparing to Merino for Woven Fabrics Properties
Gad-Allah AAI1, Al-Betar EM1 and Marwa A Ali2*
1Wool production and technology Department, Animal and poultry production division, Desert Research Center, Egypt
2Spinning and Weaving Engineering, Dept. Textile Industries Research Division, National Research Centre, Egypt
Marwa Atif Ali, Spinning and Weaving Engineering Department, Textile Industries Research Division, National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt.
Received Date: May 27, 2020; Published Date: June 05, 2020
Barki wool as a coarse wool is considered one of the existing materials in the Egyptian environment, which its different properties have not exploited properly yet, especially the mechanical. Where only the defects of its own are seen like fiber wrinkling, harshness and irregularity of micron, so its usage only limited on the handmade carpet or the weft yarns that used in the mechanical floor coverings. The research is aiming to study the difference properties between Barki wool as a local material and Merino wool as an imported material, improving properties and utilizing of local wool properties to make multi-uses fabrics which different from its usual uses. Barki and Merino wool blended with woolen polyester, two ratios were used of Barki/polyester (30:70)% and (45:55)% to produce samples, and one ratio was used of Merino/polyester (45:55)% for comparing, all produced samples were weaved by twill 2/2 weave structure. The produced samples were evaluated by mechanical and physical properties, statistically was analyzed by variance analysis (ANOVA) with General Linear Model (GLM) of SAS and differences between means were tested using Duncan’s multiple range test. It was concluded that the blending ratios of wool and polyester to produce the samples significantly affected on all physical and mechanical properties for samples. In addition, the values of mechanical properties of samples produced from Barki wool increased, while the values of the physical properties of samples produced from Merino wool increased.
Keywords: Coarse; Barki wool; Woven fabric; Merino wool; Mechanical properties
Gad-Allah AAI, Al-Betar EM, Marwa A Ali. Added Value of Barki Wool Comparing to Merino for Woven Fabrics Properties. J Textile Sci & Fashion Tech. 5(4): 2020. JTSFT.MS.ID.000618.
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