Review Article
Acoustic Behaviour of Nonwovens
N Gokarneshan1*, V Krishna Kumar2
1SNS Rajalakshmi College of arts and science, India
2SMK Fomra Institute of technology, India
N Gokarneshan, Department of costume design and fashion, SNS Rajalakshmi College of arts and science, Coimbatore, India.
Received Date: June 05, 2020; Published Date: June 17, 2020
The article reviews the acoustic properties of nonwoven fabrics. sound absorption coefficients (SACs) of needle-punched and thermal-bonded nonwovens produced from polyester (PET) fibers with various cross sections, i.e., hollow, round and hexaflower, blended with a low melt PET, was reported. Efforts have been taken to develop relatively lightweight and fibrous acoustic webs. Nonwoven webs that contain bicomponent filaments with islands-in-the-sea cross sections were produced by spun bonding, which involves the extrusion of sea and island polymer melts through dies, cooling and attenuating the bicomponent filaments by high-velocity air streams. Nylon 6 and polyethylene were used as the island and sea polymers, respectively.
Keywords: Nonwoven; PET fiber; Sound absorption; Island in the sea, Spun bond; Cross section; Taguchi
N Gokarneshan, V Krishna Kumar. Acoustic Behaviour of Nonwovens. J Textile Sci & Fashion Tech. 5(5): 2020. JTSFT. MS.ID.000623.
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