Research Article
A Comparative Analysis on Changing of Different Properties of Greige Woven Fabric (3/1, 2/1 Twill) After Scouring & Bleaching and Mercerizing
Abu Naser Mohammed Sayem* and Sahabuddin Sagor
Department of Textile Engineering, BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology(BUFT), Bangladesh
Abu Naser Mohammed Sayem, Department of Textile Engineering, BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology(BUFT), Bangladesh.
Received Date: July 29, 2021; Published Date: September 09, 2021
The aim of the project was to compare the change of different types of physical and chemical properties like tensile strength, tear strength, GSM, EPI, absorbency and Pʰ of greige woven fabric after the pretreatment processing. That will ease the process of product development, assume the properties of the final product, and minimize textile wastage.
The research included woven 2/1 and 3/1 twill fabric. Fabric samples were tested after every process except desizing. Gradual increase in EPI from greige to mercerizing of 11.75% and 20.75% in average respectively for 2/1 twill and 3/1 twill has been noted. The overall decrease in width from greige to mercerizing noted 13.09% and 16.93% respectively for 2/1 twill and 3/1 twill. GSM of the samples tended to increase after mercerizing than scouring and bleaching. Fabrics tend to have a Pʰ value around neutral after mercerizing and alkaline after scouring & bleaching. Absorbency of fabric decreases after mercerizing than scouring and bleaching. Tensile strength, Tear strength also have been tested for comparison.
Keywords:Woven fabric; Properties; Pretreatment; Scouring; Bleaching; Mercerizing; Tensile strength; Tearing strength; GSM; EPI; Absorbency
Abu Naser Mohammed Sayem, Sahabuddin Sagor. A Comparative Analysis on Changing of Different Properties of Greige Woven Fabric (3/1, 2/1 Twill) After Scouring & Bleaching and Mercerizing. J Textile Sci & Fashion Tech 9(2): 2021. JTSFT. MS.ID.000706.
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