Open Access Research Article

The Rationality of the Evolutionary Synthesis and Its Competing Theories

Fayou Wang*

Professor, School of Marxism, Chizhou University, China

Corresponding Author

Received Date: March 20, 2023;  Published Date: March 27, 2023


The evolutionary synthesis has stronger empirical coordination force, conceptual coordination force, and background coordination force. It is generally accepted by evolutionary biologists for its stronger comprehensive coordination force. Nowadays, a large amount of new information and new concepts have emerged in evolutionary biology, which goes beyond the traditional framework of evolutionary synthesis and brings many new empirical and conceptual problems to evolutionary synthesis, changing the state of its comprehensive coordination force. Some scholars have tried to construct an extended evolutionary program to replace the dominant position of evolutionary synthesis. Premature conclusions do not have enough basis, and a longer period of research and review is still needed, but the direction of this effort is worthy of recognition. Although these subsequent competing theories do not reach acceptable rationality for the time being, they are reasonable to pursue for their strong partial coordination forces.

Keywords:Evolutionary synthesis, Coordination force, Acceptance, Pursuit, Rationality

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