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CHEN Fan’s Academic Thoughts for Philosophy of Science and Technology
XU Xu, Lecturer, School of Philosophy, Inner Monglia University, China
Received Date: March 29, 2023; Published Date: April 03, 2023
In the early 1990s, Chinese scholars began to study Technology Philosophy Sinicization and achieved important results. In this trend, Professor Chen put forward the theory named Socialization of Technology, which is an important breakthrough in the construction of interaction mode between technology and society in the Philosophy of Technology Sinicization process. In jishu shehui hua yinlun, Professor Chen systematically discussed various aspects of technology socialization included its essence, function, social role, process, social integration, social adaptation, and other basic concepts and theories. Professor Chen Changshu, founder of Chinese Philosophy of technology, believes that this book is of great significance to the formation and development of technology philosophy as well as sociology of technology, as he put in the preface of this book “(it) constitutes a quite complete system about the socialization of technology” and “can become a monograph of sociology of technology for Chinese people”(1995).
XU Xu*. CHEN Fan’s Academic Thoughts for Philosophy of Science and Technology. On J of Arts & Soc Sci. 1(3): 2023. IOJASS. MS.ID.000512.