Open Access Research Article

The Effect of Topical Application of Mother Breast Milk Versus Distilled Water and Alcohol on Separation Time of Umbilical Cord Stump Among Neonates

Abeer Abd El-Aziz Madian1* and Marwa Mohamed Ahmed Ouda2

1Department of Community Health Nursing, Damanhour University, Egypt

2Department of Pediatric Nursing, Damanhour University, Egypt, College of Applied Medical science/ Nursing, Jouf University, KSA

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Received Date: February 26, 2019;  Published Date: March 19, 2019


Umbilical cord infections donate to the increased morbidity and mortality in neonates of developing countries, where neonates are exposed to unhygienic practices. The aim of the study was to monitor the effect of topical application of breast milk compared to distilled water and alcohol on separation time of umbilical cord stump among neonates.

Methods: This research was a randomized clinical trial done on 90 mature neonates that were placed randomly in the three groups of study. The umbilical cord separation time was compared in the three groups.

Results: Mean time of cord separation in human milk application group (6.72±1.66) was significantly shorter than distilled water and alcohol groups. Moreover, the bleeding continuation after separation (day) was significantly shorter (p<0.001) among breast milk group than distilled water group and majority of neonates among the 3 groups didn’t have any signs of umbilical cord infection.

Conclusion: Topical application of human milk on the remaining part of the cord reduces the cord separation time and it can be used as an easy and cheap way for cord care.

Keywords: Mother breast milk; Distilled water; Alcohol; Separation; Umbilical cord; Neonates

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