Open Access Research Article

Energy Alterations in Patient with Spontaneous Femur Fracture Post Metastasis of Thyroid Cancer After Three Doses of COVID-19 Vaccine

Huang W L*

Infectious Diseases, General Practice, Nutrition, Acupuncture and Pain Management Specialist. Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Franca, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Corresponding Author

Received Date: May 23, 2023;  Published Date: July 18, 2023


Introduction: Spontaneous femur fracture is a condition that can be found in patients using bisphosphonate for the treatment of osteoporosis for more than 3 years. In traditional Chinese medicine, bone is commanded by the energy of the Kidney. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that these patients have energy deficiency inside the five internal massive organs and the use of the COVID-19 vaccine can reduce the energy of these organs predisposing them to have relapse of cancer and metastasis to the bone, causing more propensity to have bone fractures, in this case, femur fracture. Methods: one case report, J.B.L., 37 years-old male patients with a history of spontaneous right femur fracture in 2023. He had a history of malignant thyroid cancer 4 years ago treated with surgery and iodotherapy. He also received 3 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine prior to this fracture (June 2021- Coronavac; June 2021- Coronavac; March 2022- Pfizer). He received treatment using surgery to fix the bone using a metallic implant and also, they did a bone biopsy that did not reveal anything wrong in the bone. He also did bone scintigraphy that revealed an alteration in that part probably caused by metastasis of thyroid cancer. I measured the energy of his five internal massive organs (Liver, Heart. Spleen, Lungs, and Kidney) using the radiesthesia procedure. Results: all organs were at the lowest level of energy, including the Kidney, which rated one out of eight. The treatment of this condition was done using: Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting, and replenishing the energy of these organs using highly diluted medications according to the theory of Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystal-based medications. These tools were important to increase the energy of all internal organs and the Kidney, responsible for the bone integrity and for reducing the chance to have more cancer. The conclusion of this study is to demonstrate that patients with spontaneous bone fracture have energy deficiency inside the five internal massive organs including the Kidney energy and the COVID-19 vaccine can reduce even more this energy, predisposing them to relapse of cancer and also, metastasis, in this case, causing a spontaneous bone fracture the femur.

Keywords:Spontaneous femur fracture; Thyroid cancer; COVID-19 vaccine, Energy; Diet; Acupuncture; Traditional Chinese medicine; Homeopathy; Hippocrates


There are some studies in the literature showing that spontaneous femur fracture can occur in the long use of bisphosphonate for the treatment of osteoporosis for more than 3 years. It accounts for 1.1% of all femoral fractures [1,2]. There also are some studies showing an increased chance of having spontaneous femur fractures in patients with vitamin D deficiency [3]. Spontaneous fetal femoral fractures are also uncommon in pediatric patients [3].

The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that patients with a spontaneous fracture of the femur have energy deficiency in the five internal massive organs, the same energy deficiency causing cancer, and the use of any kind of medication or vaccine that can reduce this energy can increase the chance to have relapse of some kinds of cancer that the patient had prior to the vaccination. Causing more propensity to have metastasis and bone fractures.


One case report, J.B.L. 37 years-old male patient, vaginal birth, three sisters, one older and the two others smaller. One day, when the patient was simply taking out his house’s trash, he felt a pain in the right thigh when he turned his right leg. He went to the hospital, and they said that he had a femur fracture, but they did not know the cause of this fracture.

The patient was sent to another hospital in Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, because the doctors did not know what other cause to investigate. A surgery was performed to fix the fracture of the bone with a metal implant, and the patient was told he would be able to walk after the procedure. Later, a biopsy of the bone’s fragments was performed, but no results came back from it.

The doctors asked for another exam (bone scintigraphy) that revealed that there was a lesion in that part of the bone and also, they found that both Lungs were also compromised of metastasis, probably caused by a metastasis of thyroid cancer that this patient had four years ago, after finishing a troubled relationship of 10 years. At that time, he did surgery to remove the thyroid, which was affecting the right lobe of the gland (about 9 cm) and did iodotherapy. After this treatment, he did not feel anything more.

Before having thyroid cancer, he also had vitiligo in the hands and eye but the treatment he was submitted did not get any good response to his skin picture. He was in treatment with an endocrinology doctor in Franca, but the COVID-19 pandemic began, and he lost the follow-up. He took the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine on July 22, 2021 (Coronavac). The second dose was on August 19-2021 (Coronavac). The third dose of in March 2022 (Pfizer). He said that he was feeling well before the vaccine but after the COVID-19 vaccine, he had the SARS-CoV-2 infection and two months prior to the fracture, he began to feel local pain like the muscle was stretched.

He was a stitcher in a shoe factory in our city and had been working there for over 20 years. He also used the right leg to work, and the left leg only had the function to support the body. He went to my clinic because his wife was my patient and I asked him if I could measure the energy of the five internal massive organs using the radiesthesia procedure.


All his internal five massive organs (Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lungs, and Kidney) were in the lowest level of energy, rated one out of eight, including the spiritual chakra. The treatment of his condition was to orientate him to avoid the ingestion of dairy products, raw food, Cold water and sweets. The second group of foods that I oriented him to avoid was the ingestion of coffee, soda and matte tea because all these drinks could reduce even more the energy of the Kidney, important to keep the integrity of the bone tissue according to the teachings of traditional Chinese medicine.

The third group of foods that I oriented him to avoid was the ingestion of fried foods, eggs, coconut, honey, chocolate, alcoholic beverages, and melted cheese because all these foods can induce the formation of internal Fire, one of the energy imbalances that was and is responsible for cancer formation in the energy level. The second step in his treatment was the application of auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting. The points used in his treatment will be further explored in the discussion session of this article. To replenish the energy of these internal five massive organs, I used highly diluted medications according to the theory created by myself (2020) titled Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystalbased medications and I will show and explain the medications used in the discussion section.


In this article, I will combine the reasoning used by Western and traditional Chinese medicine to explain the energy alterations involved in this patient that evolved into a femur fracture after developing a metastasis of a previous thyroid malignant tumor post receiving three doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. This was necessary because I follow the commandments of Hippocrates (460 BCE - 375 BCE), the father of medicine, that said that “it is important to consider other ancient medical traditions prior to the knowledge we have nowadays” [4,5].

To explain the differences between the points of view of Western and traditional Chinese medicine, I usually use a “tree” metaphor, showing the different levels of diagnosis and treatment when the patient is presenting symptoms in any kind of specialty, as shown in (Figure 1) [6,7].

In this tree, you can see that there are two parts, the part above the earth and the part under the earth. The part above the earth symbolizes what Western medicine is doing nowadays. In this part, you can see that the tree has a trunk has several branches, and coming out of each branch, you can see many leaves. Each branch means one medical specialty and each “leaf” means one symptom or disease treated by each medical specialty [6,8]. In the case reported in this article, the patient has a femur fracture from the orthopedic specialty and also, he had another problem in the past which was a thyroid malignant tumor in the oncology or endocrinology branch [4, 8].

All kinds of treatment were done at the “leaf” level of the tree, as in the case of the fractured bone, a surgery was done to fix it with a metal implant. In the past, when the patient was impaired by a thyroid cancer, he also went through a surgery to remove the tumor, as well as iodotherapy sessions. [4,9,10] But according to traditional Chinese medicine, the cause of the majority of disease formation is not in the “leaf” level of the tree but it is in the “root” of this tree, which is usually invisible by the naked eye and for this reason, Western medicine is not treating the cause of the disease formation but only treating the symptoms of this patient [11]. According to Hippocrates (460 BCE - 375 BCE), the father of medicine, he said in one of his oaths that “we need to treat the patient and not the disease the patient has” [12].

In another oath said by him, he said that “it is more important to know which type of patient has the disease than to know which type of disease the patient has” [12].

So, in this article, I will not focus on the alterations in the “leaf” level, that is the thyroid tumor or the femur fracture but on the causes of the formation of both diseases, that are in the “root” of this tree [4,8,13]. At the “root”, there are two theories in traditional Chinese medicine very important for us to know and understand, which are the Yin and Yang theory (Figures 2,3,4,5) and the Five Elements theory (Figure 6) [6, 7] (Figure 3).


Yin and Yang are two opposites but complementary forces that exist in all things in this universe such as sun and moon, day and night, man and woman, summer and winter, etc. To be healthy, humans need to have them in a balanced state. Where there is an imbalance between them, there is a formation of disease, that can manifest in the “leaf” of this tree, in any kind of specialty [6, 7]. To Yin and Yang flow inside the body, there is the necessity to have Qi and Blood, and their interrelationship is demonstrated in Figure 4 [14].


When there is deficiencies in and between these forces, there is a formation of internal Fire, which manifests at the “leaf” level as emotional or physical symptoms, such as anxiety, panic syndrome, schizophrenia, diabetes, hypertension, community and hospital infections, cancer, etc. as I am showing in Figure 5 [6,7,8,15].


The second theory at the “root” of the tree is the Five Elements theory and to understand the relationship between the internal organs is of major importance to treat all diseases nowadays. This way, I will be explaining in this article how the internal massive organs are responsible for the formation of internal energy, which is responsible for our overall health and proper functioning of all of our body’s organs and systems. The five elements correspond to Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water and they have representations inside the body as the five internal massive organs, shown in Figure 6 [16,17].


In this theory, they are saying that one element sends energy to the following element and one element depends on the energy of the other. There are some studies saying that the element that is sending energy is considered the mother and the organ or element that is receiving this energy is considered the son, as shown in Figure 7 [18].


So, in this theory, the problem in one organ can be caused by the problem in another organ and the alteration in one specific organ does not reflect that the problem is in that organ. This way of thinking is very different from Western medicine’s perspective, which was based on Galen’s’ form of thinking, where they only treat the affected organ. For example, when the patient has Kidney insufficiency, the treatment of the patient is focused only on the Kidney. But in the article I wrote (2022) recently titled Is It True That Kidney Failure Diagnosed at The Laboratory Test Level Shows That the Problem Is Really in The Kidney? I am saying that problems in the Kidney, for example, could be caused by energy alterations in other organs [19]. All these reasons began in 2006, when I treated one specific patient, who forever changed my vision and way of constructing treatments for my patients.

He was a 70 years-old male patient that was complaining of pain in the legs and was using anti-inflammatory medications with no improvement of his condition of pain. He went to my clinic to search for another form of treatment and I treated his energy alterations in the “root” and not his symptoms using Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting, and systemic acupuncture. After ten acupuncture sessions, he returned and said that he improved from his leg pain but also, he improved from another condition that I was not aware he had. He had been treating a condition of glaucoma for the last 40 years with no improvement of his intra-ocular pressure by only using eye drops. After our treatment, for the first time in his life, his intra-ocular pressure reduced from 40 to 17 mmHg [20].

If you look at Figure 1, you can see that all kinds of specialties come from the same “root” and for this reason, the problem that was causing pain in the legs was the same energy problem causing the glaucoma. When I treated the energy alterations in the “root” of the tree, all the patients symptoms improved at the same time, even the ones I was not even aware that he was suffering from, such as the glaucoma condition. After this case, I began to participate in many conferences worldwide to explain the necessity to treat the energy imbalances presented at the “root” of the tree and not just the symptoms of the patients presented at the “leaf” level of the tree [20].

Another very interesting case and important to describe in this article was a 70 years-old female patient with a history of having a malignant thyroid tumor after going to a gynecology exam in 2018. She also had diabetes and obesity. She went to my clinic to treat her anxiety due to the recent diagnosis and I treated her energy imbalances at the “root” and not just treat her anxiety. After two months of treatment, she was submitted to surgery to take out the thyroid and the surgeon did a frozen biopsy that came back “benign” and was not malignant anymore. So, in this case, I demonstrated that it was possible to treat cancer treating the energy imbalances presented in the “root” and not just treating the symptoms of the patient [4,8].

In the article written by myself (2021) titled What is Behind Every Fracture We Need to Know? I am showing that all patients with any kind of bone fractures have energy deficiency in the Kidney, which is the organ responsible for the bones, among many other functions such as the hearing process, reproduction, sexuality, memory and concentration, youth, teeth and etcetera. I am presenting this reasoning in the article written by myself (2022) titled What Are the Other Energy Functions of The Kidney Besides Filtering the Blood? [13,21].

In the research that I did in my clinic in Brazil, analyzing over 1000 patients’ energy of the five internal massive organs, from 2015 to 2020, I concluded that 90% of all my patients were in the lowest level of energy, rated one out of eight. This result that I found in patients in my clinic in Brazil could be happening in the whole world because this is caused by the chronic exposition and influences of electromagnetic radiation after the implementation of 4G and 5G technology, after the modernization of telecommunication, leading to a weakened state of our internal five massive organ’s energy, as shown in Table 1 [22].

Table 1: Results of research that I my clinic in Brazil analyzing a 1000 patients’ energy of the five internal massive ogans.


The replenishment of these internal five massive organs’ energy using highly diluted medications is of paramount importance to treat the cause and not just treat the symptoms. To this end, I created another theory using highly diluted medications created by Hahnemann (1755-1843) but using the reasoning used by traditional Chinese medicine, treating the energy alterations of these five internal massive organs of the Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lungs, and Kidney because they are responsible for the production of Yin and Yang energy (Kidney), Blood (Spleen), Qi (Lungs and Liver) and the distribution of Blood throughout the body is controlled by the Heart as you can see in Figure 8 [16,17].


Table 2: Five elements and the external sensorial organs that are responsible.


The importance of treating the energy of these organs is that they are responsible for the functioning of all external sensorial organs and the emotions presented by each patient, as I am showing in Table 2 [23].

In this case, according to traditional Chinese medicine, the Liver is responsible for eye and vision and the emotion that can imbalance the Liver is anger. The Heart is responsible for tongue and communication and the emotion that can imbalance it is excessive joy. The Spleen is responsible for the sense of taste and the emotion that can imbalance it is the execessive worry. The Lungs are responsible for a sense of smell and the emotion that can imbalance it is sadness. The Kidney is responsible for the ear and hearing process and the emotion that can imbalance it is fear [24].

In the case reported in this article, the patient had thyroid malignant cancer in 2019 and had surgery and iodotherapy. In this case, the patient had the diagnosis of cancer, and according to Table 3 of progression from health to disease, he is in phase 5, considered the last phase of transformation to malignant cells [4, 8] (Table 3).

Table 3: Progression from health to disease.


To evolve from phase one to five, there is the necessity to have about 10 to 20 years of energy deficiency leading to cancer formation [4, 8]. In 2021, he received three doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. According to the Ardnt-Schultz Law ( Figure 9), created in 1888 by two German researchers, the use of any kind of highly concentrated medication can reduce our vital energy and can lead to the death of this patient, and the COVID-19 vaccine is also considered a highly concentrated vaccine and caused a reduction in his vital energy (that was very low due already being in the last phase of progressing from healthy to diseased). To prevent the formation of cancer, we need to increase our vital energy and take out the formation of internal Fire, according to traditional Chinese medicine’s reasoning [5] (Figure 9).


There is another article written by myself (2023) titled Which Could Be the Risk Factors for Developing Cancer After Receiving The COVID-19 Vaccine, where I am showing 5 cases of cancer developed after using the COVID-19 vaccine. In this case, I am showing that all of them have in common, which is deficiency inside the five internal massive organs (Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lungs, and Kidney), and the use of this type of vaccine reduced even more the internal energy, that was already very low prior to the vaccination and caused a state of more immune suppression, which led to a bigger propensity of developing another disease, which in this case, was cancer [5,8]. In the case reported in this article, he had cancer four years prior to the spontaneous femur fracture and received the COVID-19 vaccine one year before the fracture [4,5,8].

The majority of publications shown until today are recommending the COVID-19 vaccine in patients with cancer but according to this case and to the perverse influences of this type of vaccine on our immune system, reducing it, I think it is not good to give this type of vaccine in a person with a history of cancer, due to the possibility of developing metastasis, as I am showing throughout this article [5].

The use of any kind of material that can reduce the vital energy of the patients, such as the use of metallic implants in the teeth or in another part of the body (such as the metallic implant used to fix the bone of this patient reported in this article), can also reduce the vital energy of the patient. In the patient reported in this article, the orthopedic doctor inserted a metallic implant made of Titanium and this implant can reduce vital energy and can increase also the chance to have any complications caused by energy reduction, such as myocardial infarction, strokes, thrombosis, etcetera, as I have shown in multiple articles written by myself until today.

There is the necessity to create another material to fix the bone in cases of fractures, without using metallic implants, as we have the possibility to use implants made by zyrconium in cases of patients with necessity to implant teeth instead of using implants made by titanium, as I am showing in the article also written by myself (2021) titled How is the Mechanism of Immunodeficiency Caused by Metallic Implants and What Can they Cause when Inside the Patient’s Body? [25]

So, there is a necessity to use for his whole life highly diluted medications such as homeopathy medications created by Hahnemann (1755-1843) but according to the theory created by myself (2020) titled Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystal-based medications, as I am showing in Table 4 [26].


Table 4: Homeopathy and crystal-based medications to replenish the energy of the five internal massive organs.


To treat this patient, I was only prescribing highly diluted medications but I also oriented him to avoid some kind of foods in order to regulate the internal energy of the five internal massive organs. As said by Hippocrates (460 BCE - 375 BCE), “make your food your medicine and your medicine your food” [12]. I advised him to avoid the ingestion of raw food, Coldwater, sweets, and dairy products, because all these foods and beverages can reduce the energy of the Spleen and pancreas, leading to malabsoption of nutrients and less formation of Blood [6]. The second group of foods that I oriented him was to avoid the ingestion of coffee, matte tea and soft drinks because all these drinks can reduce the energy of the Kidney, responsible for the integrity of the bones [10]. The last group of foods that I oriented him to avoid was the ingestion of fried foods, eggs, honey, coconut, melted cheese, and alcoholic beverages because all these foods and beverages can increase the formation of internal Fire, one of the energies responsible for the formation of cancer in the energy level [8].

The other measure used in his treatment was the use of auricular acupuncture associated with apex ear bloodletting (Figures 10&11) because the ear is considered a microsystem in traditional Chinese medicine and all organs have representations in the ear and all diseases can be treated only by using the ear, as written in the book by Li-Chuan Huang (2006) titled Auricular Medicine [27].


In this article, all tools used in the treatment of this patient to regulate the energy in the “root” of the tree, such as acupuncture and homeopathy, are considered medical specialties by the Federal Medical Council in Brazil since 1995 and 1980 respectively. The use of these tools nowadays is very important to treat the “root” of the tree because if we still treating the “leaf” level of the tree, we can imbalance the “root” if the medications used are highly concentrated medications, as I am showing in the article written by myself (2021) titled Are the Medications That We Are Prescribing to Our Patients Harming Them? [28,29]

To finalize this article, I would like to say that, to understand what is happening in this patient with a spontaneous femur fracture after receiving three doses of the COVID-19 vaccine causing a relapse of thyroid cancer, we need to integrate the knowledge of Western and traditional Chinese medicine, that exists for more than 5000 years, in the metaphor of Yin and Yang, shown in Figure 12 [4, 8-10].


The conclusion of this study is that patient with spontaneous femur fracture have energy deficiency inside the five internal massive organs of the five elements theory of traditional Chinese medicine and the use of the COVID-19 vaccine can reduce even more this vital energy causing a relapse of thyroid malignant tumor and inducing metastasis, the second cause of this spontaneous femur fracture presented by this patient. The treatment of this condition of energy deficiency state using highly diluted medications according to the theory Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine can increase the energy of the Kidney responsible for the bones and prevent the formation of more metastasis of thyroid cancer presented by this patient . The use of any kind of material that can reduce even more this energy needs to be prevented, in order to not further reduce the patient’s energy, causing more complications in the future. More studies in this field need to be done in more patients with spontaneuos femur fracture to reaffirm the results in the energy level found in this patient.


I would like to thank all of my teachers in the medical school of Londrina State University in Brazil and also, my professor of Chinese herbal medicine, Dr Lo Der Cheng (in memory) for all his teachings that make me possible to write this article. Also, I would like to thank Samuel Hahnemann (1755- 1843), the creator of homeopathy medications, because without his discovery in the past, it would not be possible to treat the new type of populations that we have nowadays, considered immune suppressed.


I would like to say that this article was written without any funding sponsored.

Conflicts of Interest

No conflicts of interest.


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