Open Access Mini- Review Article

The wrong Diet Can Cause Cancer. However, we can cure cancer by changing our diet. The human body is a “dissipative structure

Hiromi Wada, Toshihiro Okamoto* and Reo Hamaguchi

Society of Cancer, inflammation and Metabolism, Cleveland Clinic, Japan

Corresponding Author

Received Date:January 15, 2024;  Published Date:January 22, 2024


The greatest weakness of current cancer therapies is that they only treat the cancer and not the actual patient. Our proposed “alkalizing therapy” will not compete with the current standard of care, but will enhance the effectiveness of the standard of care reduce side effects, and lower health care costs.


The human body is made up of food. If the diet is disordered, garbage (entropy) accumulates in the body and causes disease. However, it is often observed that a diet that removes garbage (reduces entropy) cures disease. The presence of mitochondria in the cells of our body is the cause of cancer in the human body. Warburg O. reported this phenomenon in “On the Origin of Cancer Cells” (SCIENCE 1957) [1-9]. The first notable experimental induction of cancer by oxygen deprivation was reported by Goldblatt and Cameron. Control cultures maintained without oxygen deprivation did not produce cancer cells, but long-term tissue cultures exposed to intermittent oxygen deprivation eventually produced transplantable cancer cells.”Continued improper diet leads to chronic inflammation due to fat deposition and other factors. This is the earliest trigger for carcinogenesis. To overcome apoptosis, in which oxygen supply is reduced due to narrowing of blood vessels and other factors, but nutrient supply is not poor, cells must undergo some metabolic changes to survive on their own in hypoxic/anoxic conditions. As a result, MDSCs (bone marrow-derived suppressor cells) that accumulate in the acidic primary surrounding microenvironment release various cytokines, suppress the activity of immune responsible cells and killer cells within the TME, reduce sensitivity to anticancer drugs, and suppress radiosensitivity. Ref6 It is as if the inflammatory response has flared up and is supporting the cancer. Clinically, this condition is characterized by aciduria, elevated CRP, neutrophilia, and lymphocytopenia (elevated N/L ratio). In this paper we discuss the benefits of dietary fiber intake. To see the functional interplay between the colonic mucus barrier, dietary fiber, and the intestinal microbiota acting as an initial defense against intestinal pathogens, experiments were conducted in non-living mice with established synthetic human intestinal microbiota. Chronic or intermittent deficiency of dietary fiber disrupts the colonic mucus barrier secreted by the host.

The Human Body as A Dissipative Structure

Purification of the cancer patient’s body is necessary as a way to make cancer cells docile, make various therapies more effective, and sometimes dramatically alleviate cancer with this alkalizing therapy alone. The basic concept for this is “dissipative structures.

Certain interventions on dissipative structures can reduce the entropy of the system. In a dissipative structure, which is a nonequilibrium open system, phenomena that seemingly defy the second law of thermodynamics (the law of increasing entropy) can occur due to “the phenomenon of matter and energy interacting and ordering. Multi-cellular organisms, including humans, are “dissipative structures that are non-equilibrium open systems,” and certain interventions can suppress cancer activity. (Science 1978). Let us consider for a moment the concept of dissipative structure. A dissipative structure is a structure of an open system that is not in thermodynamic equilibrium. In other words, it is a stationary structure in which sources of self-organization arise in a dissipative energy flow. It was proposed by Nobel laureate Ilya Prigogine. It is also called a steady-state open system or a nonequilibrium open system. Unlike rocks, which maintain a stable structure by themselves, dissipative structures maintain their structure only with certain inputs, such as vortices in the inland sea caused by the kinetic energy of the tides. Since dissipative systems are open systems, entropy is kept within a certain range and energy is exchanged within and outside the system. Life phenomena are interesting because they can be understood as open systems in a steady state. Although equilibrium thermodynamics has been the main focus of conventional thermodynamics, steady-state thermodynamics is receiving new attention. It is noteworthy that biological phenomena can be understood as dissipative structures and systems as steady-state open systems. Humans ingest food, digest it, and use carbohydrates as the main source of energy, and after glycolysis, use oxygen to extract much of the energy in OXPHOS. Any material remaining after digestion is expelled from the body as waste. In such dissipative structures, there is entropy transfer across boundaries (deS) and another entropy (disk) that occurs within the system. All life forms have “life times”. When a large amount of entropy accumulates inside this dissipative structure, it becomes inert and dies. With proper food intake and self-care, the maximum human lifespan is about 120 years. Most people who die before that time have accumulated entropy in their bodies. The same explanation applies to cancer treatment. A dirty body (a body with accumulated entropy) is more prone to cancer. When treating cancer, excreting this entropy out of the body increases the effectiveness of the treatment and the probability of cure. The alkalizing therapy we advocate is an application of this concept to cancer treatment.

Clinical results applied to cancer treatment

Can our research stop the progression of cancer by changing the constitution of cancer patients? If the progression of cancer can be stopped, what is the mechanism? By considering Otto Warburg’s The Nature of Cancer Metabolism, we have established the question, “How is cancer formed and what are its properties?” we have established a rationale for alkalizing therapy based on the question [10]. Effect of alkaline diet on EGFR-TKI therapy in EGFR mutation-positive NSCLC. Alkaline diet may enhance the efficacy of EGFR-TKI therapy in patients with EGFR mutation-positive NSCLC [11,12]. Alkalizing therapy” was effective for stage 4 pancreatic cancer. In patients with advanced pancreatic cancer who have received chemotherapy, alkalizing therapy appears to be associated with better outcomes. We present here a case of a male patient with liver metastases who was cured without so-called anticancer drugs. MS, male, born 8/13/1955, age 64, came to our clinic of first visit on 8/25/2020 Gastric cancer (unresectable), multiple liver metastases. Pathological diagnosis Adenocarcinoma (por), Group5. Distant metastasis: liver on 7/20/2020, patient visited the emergency department due to extreme fatigue on standing. When he came to the hospital, he was anemic with Hb: 7.2, and as a result of close examination, he was found to have advanced gastric cancer. Contrast-enhanced CT revealed multiple liver metastases, and the patient was admitted to the hospital. After admission, it was confirmed that the patient was able to take 5 portions of porridge without any problem, and no apparent transit disorder was observed. The patient consulted his wife, who requested to see our clinic. The patient was started on Maruyama vaccine 3 times a week. Lentinan 1 injection weekly. Alkalization with citric acid and baking soda. Apple Glimmer 140 ml/day for 3 months. Take Urso for 3 minutes. Measure urine pH daily, aiming for 8-8.5. Eat mushrooms crushed in broth. Keep warm and exercise. Soak vegetables in baking soda water for 2 hours, even pesticide-free vegetables. One year and three months after the treatment, a gastroscopy showed that the cancer had completely disappeared (Figure 1).



As dissipative structures, our bodies generally accumulate “entropy” during normal life. In the treatment of diseases, especially cancer, the importance of diet is noted. With this in mind, we have established the “alkalizing therapy” for cancer. It seems that the only way to alkalize the body is to consume fruits and vegetables, as suggested by Römer T. and Mantz F [14,15]. A typical example of acidifying the body is high-protein cheese, which contains high amounts of the growth hormone IGF-1 and is extremely likely to cause cancer in women. The limitations of deductive and inductive approaches are discussed. This paper describes how to reconstruct the limitations and weaknesses of EBM-based medicine in modern cancer care through an inductive approach as Science-based Medicine and present a new image of cancer care. What is SBM (Science based medicine) that solves the problems of EBM? [15]. Modern medicine is supported by the concept of EBM, which is a “deductive method. Deductive reasoning begins with a given hypothesis. It is objective in the sense that “if a hypothesis is true, it is always true. However, the problem (weakness) of EBM (deductive reasoning) is that it “cannot extend knowledge beyond the scope of the hypothesis. This is because “we cannot expand our knowledge beyond what is hypothesized. The problem is that in modern medicine, treatment to cure stage 4 cancer is based on the assumption that “there is no cure! (Simply shrinking the size of the cancerous lesion does not lead to a cure.) Modern medicine is supported by the concept of EBM (evidence-based medicine). This EMB is the ‘deductive method. If EBM-based treatment does not cure (stage 4 cancer is not cured, only suppressed), what should we do? It is important to ‘try to evaluate the implications of the observations from a single experiment’. This is evidential and ‘inductive. If we can connect these two perspectives, we need to consider the basic elements of inference. The inductive attempt is of paramount importance, since it begins the exploration of the p-value fallacy, which provides a purely deductive method (objective probability calculations) for drawing scientific conclusions. The process we use to connect to our basic knowledge of the observed world is called deductive reasoning and can be divided into deductive and inductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning starts from a given hypothesis (such as a description of how nature works) and predicts what would be seen if the hypothesis were true. Deduction is objective; if the hypothesis is true, the prediction about what is seen is always true. The problem is that we cannot extend our knowledge beyond what is in the hypothesis. What we are saying is that it can Inductive reasoning points in the opposite direction. We evaluate the hypothesis that will stand up to the most criticism based on what we observe. The concept of evidence is inductive. That is, it is a means of returning from observation to fundamental truth.

The advantage of inductive reasoning is that our conclusions about unobserved states of nature are broader than the observations on which they are based.It is this rationale that we can use to formulate new hypotheses and learn new things. The drawback is that we cannot be certain that what we conclude about nature is really true. This is the difficulty known as the problem of induction.


It is clear that the current deductive thinking of EBM is not applicable to the treatment of “intractable and refractory diseases” in modern medicine. In order to cure such diseases, a “paradigm shift in thinking” is necessary. For this purpose, “inductive thinking” is necessary. In this case, it is necessary to think logically and collect many examples of actual cures. I call this way of thinking SBM (Science based Medicine). In the future, we need to convert this SBM into EBM. Currently, “alkalizing therapy” does not fit the logic of capitalist society (it is not profitable), and at this point it has not been proven except by induction. However, efforts should be made to perfect it through physician-led clinical trials and crowdfunding fundraising in the future.


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