Open Access Research Article

Energy Alterations of Elderly Patients That Developed Herpes Zoster After Receiving COVID-19 Vaccine.

Huang W L*

Department of Infectious Diseases, General Practice, Nutrition, Acupuncture and Pain Management, Brazil

Corresponding Author

Received Date:March 16, 2023;  Published Date:April 05, 2023


According to Western medicine, herpes zoster is a syndrome caused by the reactivation of varicella-zoster virus infection. However, according to traditional Chinese medicine, herpes zoster is caused by energy imbalances leading to retention of Heat and humidity. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that patients that are developing herpes zoster after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine have energy deficiency inside the five internal massive organs and the treatment of this condition rebalancing and replenishing these organs using highly diluted medications according to the theory of Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five elements Based on traditional Chinese Medicine is important to their treatment. Methods: one case report of an 80 years-old female patient with a history of extreme fatigue, weight loss, lack of appetite and pain in the right hypochondrium after receiving two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. I measured the energy of the five internal massive organs using a radiesthesia procedure. Results: all internal massive organs (Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lungs, and Kidney) were in the lowest level of energy, rated one out of eight. The treatment of this condition using Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting, and systemic acupuncture and replenishing the energy of these organs using highly diluted medications according to the theory Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine is of paramount importance to treat the cause of herpes zoster formation and not just treating the symptoms, that it is herpes itself. The use of a highly concentrated vaccine, in this case, the COVID-19 vaccine can cause a reduction even more of this energy deficiency condition and cause the formation of more internal Fire, culminating in the development of herpes zoster condition. The conclusion of this study is to demonstrate that patients with herpes zoster after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine have an energy deficiency inside the five internal massive organs and the treatment of this condition rebalancing and replenishing the energy of these organs using highly diluted medications is of paramount importance to treat the cause of herpes zoster formation and not just the symptoms.

Keywords:Herpes zoster; COVID-19 vaccine; Energy; Traditional Chinese medicine; Hippocrates


According to Western medicine, herpes zoster is a syndrome caused by the reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus and it can affect mostly adults and elderly patients. Normally, after the infection of varicella, the virus can remain asleep in the nervous system, according to the explanations of Western medicine [1]. After beginning the COVID-19 vaccine, there were several reports of herpes zoster formation after receiving these kinds of vaccines [2].

The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that patients that are presenting herpes zoster after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine have energy deficiency inside the five internal massive organs of the five elements theory of traditional Chinese medicine that is leading to the formation of internal Fire and can worsen their energy deficiency condition when using the highly concentrated vaccine. The treatment of this condition rebalancing and replenishing the energy of all these organs is of paramount importance to treat the cause of immunodeficiency and not just treating the symptoms, that is the formation of herpes zoster itself.


One case report of an 80 years-old female patient, with a history of starting to present a very dry cough, weakness, and dizziness after receiving the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine (at the end of 2021- CoronaVac). The dizziness worse when she looks to the side or looks up and it was very bad. After she received the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine (beginning of 2022) she started to lake memory and got COVID-19 soon after. Then, she lost her appetite and start to be in the bed for two months due to her weak state.

After this, she started to feel much pain in the right hypochondrium that was diagnosed with herpes zoster the pharmacist orientates her to come to me, as I am specialized in infectious diseases. At that time, she could not sleep due to the severe pain caused by herpes, and she took injected medications that were not good for her pain condition. I started to do acupuncture, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting, and orientate her to avoid some kinds of foods such as fried foods, eggs, honey, coconut, alcoholic beverages, and melted cheese, because all these foods could produce more internal Fire, that was responsible for the pain condition, in the formation of herpes zoster, in the energy level.

She is married to an 81 years-old male that also took the COVID-19 vaccine. They both have children, half of them took the COVID-19 vaccine and half did not take it. Of the persons who got the COVID-19 vaccine, all of them had COVID-19 and the children who did not take the COVID-19 vaccine did not evolve to COVID-19 according to her words, all her grandsons and granddaughters who got the vaccine got COVID-19 and everyone who did not get the vaccine did not get COVID-19. I measured the energy of the five internal massive organs using a pendulum made of wood in a procedure called radiesthesia and the results will be shown in the following paragraphs.


The five internal massive organs were in the lowest level of energy, rated one out of eight. The treatment of this condition replenishing and rebalancing the energy of the five internal massive organs using Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting, and systemic acupuncture and replenishing the energy of these organs using homeopathy medications according to the theory of Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystal-based medications were very important to treat the cause of immunodeficiency of this patient.


If we analyze the type of population that we are having nowadays, if we focused on the energy level, we could see that the majority of the population that is receiving the COVID-19 vaccine is immunodeficient and not immune competent as I am showing in the article written by myself (2021) titled Are We Vaccinating Immunocompetent or Immunocompromised People for COVID 19? [3]. To explain which are the energy alterations in patients that it is developing herpes zoster after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, we will need to use ancient medical traditions, using the reasoning used by traditional Chinese medicine, that existed for more than five thousand years, following the oath of Hippocrates (460 bce - 375 bce) that said that “it is important to consider other ancient medical traditions prior to the knowledge we have nowadays” [4]. Another oath said by him was that “foolish the doctor who despises the knowledge acquired by the ancients” [4].

For this reason, it will be necessary to combine the thoughts used by Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, to understand what is happening in the energy level, that is leading to the formation of herpes zoster symptoms in some patients that received the COVID-19 vaccine [5]. I usually use the metaphor of the tree to demonstrate the different levels of treatment of Western and traditional Chinese medicine, as you can see in [Figure 1] [5, 6].


In this tree, I am showing that this tree is divided into two parts, the part above the earth and the part under the earth. The part above the earth is the part that Western medicine usually does the diagnosis and treatment, and each branch of this tree symbolizes each medical specialty. For example, in the case of herpes zoster, Western medicine is treating at the leaf level of the tree in a branch of infectious diseases using medications such as acyclovir to treat the dormant virus [5].

But traditional Chinese medicine understands that the cause of all disease formation is at the “root” level of the tree, as I showed in many articles published until today, regarding the formation of diseases, from the energy point of view, according to traditional Chinese medicine [6-8]. At the “root” of the tree, there are two theories that are the cornerstone of all traditional Chinese medicine reasoning and treatment, which are Yin and Yang and the Five Elements theory [6-9]. As I showed in the article written by myself (2021) titled Are We Vaccinating Immunocompetent or Immunocompromised People for COVID-19? I am saying that the majority of the population that is receiving this kind of vaccine is considered immune deficient and not immune-competent, because the “root” energy of this tree is weak, as the energy of the five internal massive organs of the five elements theory was very weak, caused mainly by the chronic exposition to the electromagnetic radiation after the implementation of modernization of telecommunication, leading to a state of immunodeficiency of our immune system [3].

As I demonstrate in another article that was written myself (2022) titled Why is Highly Diluted Oral “Vaccine” For COVID-19 the Safest Option in this Pandemic? I am showing that the use of COVID-19 is considered a highly concentrated vaccine and can drop the vital energy of the patients, which was already very low, reducing all energy presented in the “root” of the tree and leading to a formation of internal Fire, as I am showing in [Figure 2-4] [10].




To you understand what is happening in patients with herpes zoster after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, I showed that the majority of patients that I am attending in my clinic in Brazil, do not have any energy inside the five internal, research made from 2015 to 2020, analyzing a 1000 patients energy of the five internal massive organs of the five elements theory in traditional Chinese medicine, as I am showing in [Table 1] [11]. Number 1 corresponds to the Liver; number 2, to the Kidney; number 3, to the Heart; number 4 to the Lungs; number 5 to Spleen; number 6 to memory and concentration; and number 7 to spirituality [11].

Table 1:Results of energy of the five internal massive organs of 1000 patients, from 2015 to 2020.


Each internal massive organ is responsible for the production of one internal energy to survive and one internal organ is responsible for the functioning of one external massive organ such as the Liver is responsible for eye and vision. The Heart is responsible for the tongue and communication. The Spleen is responsible for the mouth and sense of taste. The Lungs are responsible for the nose and sense of smell. The Kidney is responsible for the ear and hearing processes. All these functions are shown in [Table 2] [6-12].

Table 2:The relationship between the functioning of one external sensorial organ commanded by one internal massive organ.


So, in this article, the symptoms related to herpes zoster appearance after the patient receives the COVID-19 vaccine is related to the formation of internal Fire, caused by the drop of the energy when using a highly concentrated vaccine, as I am explaining through the Arndt-Schultz Law [Figure 5], created in 1888 by two German researchers. In this law, they said that the use of any kind of highly concentrated medication will drop the internal energy, causing several complications such as thrombosis, myocardial infarction, strokes, or even death of this patient [10-13]. For this reason, I wrote another article (2022) titled Why is Highly Diluted Oral “Vaccine” For COVID-19 the Safest Option in this Pandemic? because, for this new type of population that we are attending nowadays, we should use more highly diluted medications such as homeopathic, as they were created by Hahnemann (1755-1843) and are considered the medications of choice to be used in this new type of population nowadays. Regarding the vaccines, I would like to say that the use of this type of highly concentrated vaccine could reduce the energy of the population we have, leading to the formation of internal Fire, as I am showing in [Figure 4] [10].


The use of Chinese dietary counseling to balance the energy of the internal organs is usually the first step in our treatment. As said by Hippocrates (460 bce - 375 bce) the father of medicine, “make your food your medicine and your medicine your food” [4-6]. The diet orientations to balance the internal organs’ energy were very well explained in the article written by myself (2019) titled Why Are Diabetic Patients Still Having Hyperglycemia Despite Diet Regulation, Antiglycemic Medication, and Insulin? [6].

The second step in her treatment was to balance the energy of Yin, Yang, Qi, and Blood energy and take out the Heat retention using auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting and systemic acupuncture, as I am showing in [Figures 6,7] [6]. The use of this procedure in the treatment of herpes zoster after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine is to take out the Heat formation due to energy deficiency situation. Only treating the energy alterations in the “root”, it is possible to treat the herpes zoster symptoms without using anti-viral medications because all these medications are all highly concentrated and the use of these kinds of medications would reduce even more the vital energy of these patients, that was proofed very low before the COVID-19 pandemic, as I am showing in [Table 1].



For this reason, I replenish the energy of these organs using highly diluted medications according to the theory of Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystal-based medications, as I am showing in [Table 3]. The measurement of the internal five massive organs was done using the radiesthesia procedure measuring the energy of the chakras’ energy centers studied by Ayurvedic medicine. They are shown in [Figure 8] [14]. There are some studies in the literature showing the correlation of the chakras’ energy centers with the five internal massive organs in traditional Chinese medicine. So, if I measure the energy of the chakras’ energy centers, I can know the energy status of each organ. The first chakra corresponds to the Liver. The second chakra corresponds to Kidney. The third chakra corresponds to Heart. The fourth chakra corresponds to the Lungs. The fifth chakra corresponds to Spleen. The sixth chakra corresponds to memory and concentration and the seventh chakra corresponds to spirituality [15].

Table 3:Homeopathy medications used to replenish the energy of the five internal massive organs according to the theory Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystal-based medications.




So, when we face a patient with no energy inside each internal massive organ, we know that these organs are not producing the energy that they are responsible for production, and when we give a highly concentrated vaccine in this type of population, we will drop this energy and cause formation of internal Fire, causing a variety of formation of diverse diseases such as anxiety, panic syndrome, irritability, cellulitis, hyperglycemia and more tendency to have cancer, as I am showing in the article written by myself (2023) titled Which Could Be the Risk Factors for Developing Cancer After Receiving The COVID-19 Vaccine? [16].

To understand the energy alterations presented in the patient to form herpes zoster after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, we need to integrate Western and traditional Chinese medicine as I am showing in Yin and Yang metaphor, as I am showing in [Figure 9] [16].


The conclusion of this study is to demonstrate that patients having herpes zoster after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine has energy deficiency inside the five internal massive organs and the treatment of this condition rebalancing these energies using Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting and systemic acupuncture associating with the use of highly diluted medications according to Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine is of paramount importance to treat the cause of formation of herpes zoster symptoms and not just treating the symptoms.



Conflict of Interest



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