Open Access Opinion Article

End of Death©

Andrew Hague*

Professor of Advanced Medicine, President and Founder of CellSonic Limited, UAE

Corresponding Author

Received Date:April 04, 2023;  Published Date:April 17, 2023


Everything that has lived has eventually died. This fact is to some people a challenge. Inventors have always gone beyond the immediate needs of human survival to extend abilities such as living in cold climates, heavier than air flight and stopping infection causing death. When we as children asked why someone died, we were told it was old age. That may have been true but there is more to it than that. The death was caused by failure of an organ. If the cause of the failure can be removed and the organ made healthy, then the person will live. Many inventors and investors see a market in this opportunity, not just for their own longevity but because many people will pay to evade death. [1] It can be a bigger market than food and housing. This article will discuss what needs to be done to achieve the end of death and its consequences.


There are three branches of medicine: psychology, biophysics and biochemistry. Psychology has a name for everything but cures for nothing. Psychiatry has gone from trying to read messages from the mind to obliterating the brain with drugs. Interpreting dreams has given way to anti-depressants that shut down parts of the brain and can cause permanent damage. Addiction is allowed and the opioid crisis [2] is proof of the failings of modern medicine to help the mental state of patients. This is a disaster of academic and business making which has produced nothing but income for the pharmaceutical industry.


Biochemistry assumes the body depends on chemicals. Indeed, everything is made of chemicals. It is how the constituents interact that matters and simply adding more un-natural, manufactured drugs into a body does not necessarily result in healing. All drugs have side effects.

Biochemistry has only three products: anti-biotics, vaccines and anesthetics. All three are essential and have saved millions of lives. Everything else made by pharmaceutical companies either does not work or inflicts permanent harm but they are prescribed by doctors trained according to chemical companies’ sponsorship endorsed in law by lobbied, meaning bribed, law makers. For example, chemotherapy has a 2% success rate on cancer and is the recommended drug for cancer in almost all countries, especially those claiming to be civilized. Chemotherapy is mustard gas, banned in warfare and legal in hospitals. The Ministry of Defense cannot buy it but the Ministry of Health can.


Biophysics [3] recognizes that all body cells have a voltage that should be – 75 milli volts, a negative charge across the membrane of the cell. When the voltage falls, there is illness. This phenomenon affects all life including humans. Cell voltage is controlled by the mind which is the assembly of thoughts and memories. A disturbed person’s body cells have reduced voltage and no number of drugs can lift the voltage. See the brain as being hardware and the mind is the software. When the wrong program is running, the body fails. This is where psychology and biophysics overlap.

All three branches of medicine have to work together to save lives. That they do not is a result of ignorance amongst law makers who have given medical schools the right to teach only biochemistry. Biophysics is unknown and ridiculed and psychiatry is the art of drug prescribing, not mind understanding. When the entire scope of medicine collaborates, the causes of death can be stopped and possibly eliminated. To assess the possibilities, let us look at each branch in more detail.

Infection and deficiencies

A body needs a chemical if it is deficient in that chemical, for whatever reason, presumably the diet, and a chemical can be needed to kill infection. Both these needs were satisfied for all the time that humans have existed by using plants and occasionally selected mineral muds. By trial and error, people had discovered what is poisonous, nutritious and healing for wounds. Herbalists passed their knowledge to others, usually relatives, and a community that had medicines in their locality. A breakthrough was when Bejamin Jesty, a farmer in the west of England in 1774 scratched some pus from cow pox lesions on the udders of a cow into the skin of his wife and sons. None of them contracted smallpox. In 1796, Edward Jenner, a country doctor working in the small town of Berkeley in Gloucestershire in England took some pus from cowpox lesions on the hands of a young milkmaid, Sarah Nelms, and scratched it into the skin of eight-year-old James Phipps. After a few days of mild illness, James recovered sufficiently for Jenner to inoculate the boy with matter from a smallpox blister. James did not develop smallpox, nor did any of the people he came into close contact with. Penicillin was discovered in 1928 by Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming as a crude extract of P. Rubens obtained from Penicillium mould. This became industrialized and made in a laboratory after its natural source was recognized [4].

Laboratory drugs

How chemical medicines came to be manufactured rather than gathered is understood by following the efforts of John Rockefeller in the early years of the twentieth century. He monopolized energy with his company Standard Oil and saw the opportunity to monopolize medicine by supporting Abraham Flexner in his report on medical education. [5] Their work is well documented and leads directly to making herbal medicine illegal in the USA, requiring all doctors to be trained to prescribe only laboratory made drugs and has become the basis of what today is called conventional medicine. It assumes that all cures can only come from pharmaceuticals. Their work prevented healing by compelling drugs to be used inappropriately as in the case of cancer where chemotherapy has to be used, has a success rate of 2%, and holistic treatments are either illegal or harassed by the medical establishment. In Britain, the 1939 Cancer Act prohibits advertising a cancer cure that does not use chemotherapy. It is policed by the Advertising Standards Agency who threaten suppliers and clinics that offer anything that competes with the government owned National Health Service, a monopoly supplier. Cancer is an electrical fault which a drug cannot correct, hence the acceptance that cancer is a death sentence because medical science is government controlled to serve the wishes of pharmaceutical companies who earn half their profits from chemotherapy. The scandal is reinforced by charities taking money from well-meaning people on the false promise that soon a cancer pill will be developed providing they get more money and time. It is the biggest scam in human history agriculture [6].

Prioritizing profit by chemical manufacturers at the expense of the public is not restricted to medicine. A similar problem exists in the food chain starting with depleted soils and plants lacking nutrients to supermarkets demanding lower prices from farmers regardless of the health benefits of the food. Buyers are waking up to the quality problem and paying extra for organic foods with the inevitable worry of whether the food is actually organic or just another fraud. Crop yields can be increased, and they look good and fresh, but the nutrients are lacking. There is a dispute about genetically modified crops which may or may not be dangerous, I am not qualified to judge, but that there is suspicion arises from distrust of big companies with track records of exploiting their customers due to lack of competitors and weak, corrupt government regulators Figure [1].


Good drugs

Biochemistry’s three products of anti-biotics, vaccines and anesthetics are essential. I have had all the vaccinations recommended including all the covid shots. They protected me from polio and in my last year at university huge quantities of tetracycline saved me from brucellosis caught from infected milk. A few years ago, two powerful anti-biotic pills killed the bilharzia in my bladder that likely came from an infected swimming pool at a hotel in India. If it was not for biochemistry, I may not be alive today.

Bad drugs

Unfortunately, their success has encouraged the pharmaceutical companies to push products that either do not work or are not the best answer to the problem. Chemotherapy should be banned totally. It has no merit whatsoever. Another drug which deserves caution is the contraceptive pill with recent reports of a 25% increase in cancer cases. Tests for long-term side effects are never publicized and mechanical methods not encouraged. The news a couple of weeks ago about an injection to stop obesity is another way to make people addicted to a drug. If they stop injecting themselves, they will get fatter again and fatter than they were before. The only real answer to obesity is a change of lifestyle. By saying it is a disease makes it a target for a drug. Journalists such as the correspondents for The Economist hailed GLP-1 receptor agonists as a miracle that will save people from early death. That is wrong and those writers should think beyond the press releases they are given. If life depends on taking a drug forever, it is not a cure, it is a problem [7]..

Covid-19 has revealed ruptures in the public’s faith in pharmaceuticals. The virus’s origins are clear [8,9]. No attempt to develop a pharmaceutical cure has been reported, only vaccines with many reports of serious, long term side effects. I have had what was recommended and never again. They have lost my confidence. From the day of the last vaccination, I had Diarrhoea for two weeks which for me is unusual. A colleague said I was lucky. I was getting rid of the poison. Only now, six months later, are my cycling legs regaining full strength. For others of my age without a sport to push poison from the body, they will be left injured and blame their slowing down on old age.


None of us could accept dental treatment without anaesthetics and that may have led to more fillings than necessary and certainly more surgery is inflicted than is needed. It is not the fault of the anaesthetic; it is the surgeon who believes that cutting is the answer. Sometimes it is needed for a victim of a war wound or a mutilating car crash but when a knee or a hip has to be replaced, the necrosis of the joint was ignored until it became a candidate for a $10,000 or more titanium implant, a replacement with a life of ten years and then the ordeal of surgery is repeated. Painful joints can be repaired non-invasively at low cost with biophysics. Periodontal disease likewise. Biochemistry has its limits and should work with other branches of medicine, not in competition.

Electrical forces

When our solar system formed, an electrically charged zone was created around planet Earth beaming 7.83 hertz onto the ground below. There was no water in the beginning. After a long time, life began. All life was impacted by the 7.83 hertz frequency making all cells electrically active. This is a fundamental fact of life that medicine cannot ignore but biochemists do Figure [2].


See the video of Jorge Cure explaining that all diseases are an electrical phenomenon and note that he was teaching in 1991, writing in chalk on a blackboard. His message was ignored by the medical establishment despite being an essential clue to solving the problem of chronic disease. Click on the photo for the hyperlink to the Sapiens Shield website Figure [3].


Acute disease is from infection and traumatic injury which is thankfully treatable with biochemists’ drugs and surgery. Chronic disease is from low cell voltage linked to psychological depression. It is a biophysical problem needing a machine for the voltage and kind words for the psychological trauma. The only machine in the world that has all its forces is CellSonic, biophysics in one package: light, pressure and electrical field.

A 25,000-volt current is shorted across a one-millimeter gap in a handheld stainless-steel reflector aiming the forces into the body. The duration of the pulse is the time taken for electricity to travel one millimeter, about a billionth of a second. There is nothing faster. The crack as the electricity jumps is called a bang. There is a flash of light like lightning during a thunderstorm and the machine can be described as a miniature thunderstorm. The sound is a pressure wave that can break a kidney stone and for that application it is called lithotripsy. The electrical field is sudden, short duration and penetrating through bone and all tissues of the body. This technology has been used by urologists for forty years around the world. Millions of patients have been treated into their kidneys and there are no side effects. This is the biggest evidence of safety for any medical device.


Figure [4] From working on the lithotripter at St Thomas’ Hospital in London in 1986, I saw the potential and have developed CellSonic for use in clinics on all chronic diseases including diabetes, cancer and pain. Cancer generates fear and the sooner a patient can be treated the sooner their anxiety goes. In most cases, the patient has a history of anguish from years before and this psychological trauma has to be resolved or their cell voltage will fall, and the behaviour of the cells reverts back to profuse replication which is the key characteristic of cancer. Thus, cancer is described as an electrical fault and a psychological problem. It is not a chemical problem, and no drugs or machines can stop the unhappy thoughts and memories upsetting the mind. Only CellSonic aimed at the tumors and kind conversation to support the mind will help the patient.

Brain disease

Brain disease ranging from Parkinson’s to Multiple Sclerosis and stroke is being treated with CellSonic. The results so far are encouraging. This is an area where drugs are useless and damaging. An interesting case of a lady, now in her mid-twenties, had an infection as a two-week-old baby and became autistic. She has now had CellSonic treatments to her spine and forehead and is behaving more normally. At two weeks, her brain would not have been fully formed so the CellSonic treatment must be causing parts of the brain left unformed to grow and become active. Certainly, no damage is reported and that is important because safety is paramount. In the case of a patient with dementia, again no damage is reported but so far, his memory is not getting better nor getting worse. The hypothesis is that the CellSonic pulses will re-activate connections in the brain. The patient can afford treatments and given more time we may see improvement. It may be that the number of pulses and the power should be increased but that may cause damage and I am insisting on caution. This is where biophysics differs from biochemistry; it works with the body’s electrical properties whereas drugs are poisons ranging from discomforting to lethal.

Where are we going?

All adventurers think they know where they are going. Christopher Columbus said he was going to India by heading west from Portugal. For those climbing mountains and trudging to the frozen poles, their destinations were obvious as it was with astronauts looking at the moon. Is the destination so clear for medical researchers preventing illness? The means are available. All branches of medicine are functioning and missing gaps will be filled before long. Is this journey possible and where does it lead to?

Having covered the expanding scope of biophysics, seeing the insights into the mind and accepting the importance and limitations of biochemistry, we should now assume that life can be forever and examine the consequences of no death. I pondered this a few years ago and presented it as a series of questions to a school group of 12-year-olds. The whole school turned up including most teachers and it was they who had trouble following the explanation. The open-minded children quickly saw what could happen. At that age their brains are probably at their brightest and they are not cluttered with nonsense.

The deal

We start with the assumption that no one dies. If they get ill, they can be healed. When this happens, the population will increase because the birth-rate continues. In almost all countries, the government-controlled health service will bring the death rate to zero and controlling people is the power of government. The deal is to accept all government rules and laws and you will not die. When people see this happening, they accept the deal. They are not threatened with execution or imprisonment. If they do not do as they are told, they will die from their own disobedience, so everyone will comply. All governments control, be they democratic or autocratic. Individuals are on a database automatically updated daily with every purchase and journey. Cash will be banned so that money is traceable and thereby its owner. Should illness occur, a doctor or hospital can only be accessed by a valid identity card. The hermit living off his own produce has to heal himself and his isolation is absolute. Eventually all free thinkers, me included, die. Then what?

That question of “Then what?” has to be asked at every step of this investigation. With the death rate down, the birth rate has to come down. The world is like a full car park. No car can enter until one leaves. The prediction by Malthus that the world supply of resources is finite becomes true. Pregnancy has to be applied for at a government department.

Remote communities cease to be remote. Already, smartphones have reached villages where they are charged from solar panels. News of better medical care travels. Any groups outside the birth bans become negligible thanks to individuals’ refusal to accept that their stint on earth has ended. As the years go on, people can be re-invigorated. Only the mind has to be programmed to find intrigue and challenge. We now see gaming exceeding films in entertainment. Keeping the masses enthralled is not difficult.


Controls will extend into all aspects of life. Driving a vehicle has become illegal. The risk of injury from crashes is eliminated by removing human mistakes. Should a person walk down the street without an identity card, the scanners on all lamp posts (5G exists and 6G is planned) will alert the local server to automatically send a robot to catch the culprit before they get to the next lamp post. A person arriving in a country from a raft after crossing the ocean will not go unnoticed for more than a day. To get food, one walks into a shop, puts it in a bag and walks out with it. They could not have entered the shop if the scanner in the doorway had not seen their bank-identity card. When they leave the shop, payment is debited from their account. The stock on the shelf in the shop is replaced by a robot behind the shelf. The aim is always to reduce human activity to as little as possible. We now have white vans delivering goods bought online. Replacing the vans with drones has started. The roads will be safer, death from injury stopped and theft impossible.

The huge number of microwave transmitters and receivers will cause cancer and increase the business for CellSonic. Cancer has become a plague since smartphones prevailed. The amount of high frequency signals bombarding people in and near buildings, in vehicles and being entertained will increase the danger.

Crime starts in dysfunctional families. With no children, responsibilities for those under the age of twenty or so come to an end. Relationships may well be arranged by government decree; such is the potential of artificial intelligence. With each persons’ preferences known to the computer brain, there is everything to look forward to. Without stress, chronic diseases are minimized and then cease. By extension, war ceases because all country’s government computers are programmed for their own survival. Convergence on territory, water supply, ownership of capital and emission of pollutants (climate change) has pulled all options together so that there are no disputes and thereby no deaths.

What next? The simple answer is that it all goes on and on. The inventions and controls are working. A world population of ten billion people survives producing enough food and energy to continue indefinitely. What’s to stop it? The answer lies outside humanity. We have been thinking about individuals, not the species.

The species

Homo Sapiens has stopped evolving. Without births, the populations have frozen. All the resistances against disease that individuals acquired are not extended because there are no new individuals. Meanwhile other species with the cycles of deaths and births are evolving and each species becomes tolerant of others in a similar way to the inoculations that stopped smallpox in humans. With people now thousands of years old they are oblivious to changes around them and some bacteria, maybe viruses, have evolved that finds it can be hosted in humans. Suddenly a new disease appears for which there is no resistance and no time to concoct an antibiotic. A time gap during which the germ is multiplying without symptoms, as happens with covid-19, will hasten death. Within days the germs spread, and communities die. Homo Sapiens becomes extinct, a victim of intelligence.

What is the moral of this story? That life is a natural process. Human ingenuity has to learn where its boundaries lie. We are a species formed from a brain change triggered in a thunderstorm 80,000 years ago. We have compensated for loss of non-lingual communication by developing language and tools and must accept that these tools can cause more damage than comfort. What is desirable? It has to be the traditional communities with the protections of modern life whilst allowing scope for free thinking. Just let me ride my bicycle Figure [5].





Conflict of interest



    1. Copied from an article I found and saved but did not record where from:

    Jan 19th, 2022

    STARTUPS COME and startups go. But few startups start with $3bn in the bank. Yet that is the fortunate position in which Altos Labs finds itself. Though preparations for the launch of what must surely be a candidate for the title of “Best financed startup in history” have been rumored for months, the firm formally announced itself, and its modus operandi, on January 19th. And, even at $3bn, its proposed product might be thought cheap at the price. For the alchemy its founders, Rick Klausner, Hans Bishop and Yuri Milner, hope one day to offer the world is an elixir of life.

    Others have tried this in the past. In 2013 an outfit called Calico Life Sciences was set up under the aegis of Google (now Alphabet), with Larry Page, one of that firm’s founders, as an interested party. It has yet to generate a product. In the same year Craig Venter, who ran a private version of the human genome project, and Peter Diamandis, who started the X Prize Foundation, got together to launch Human Longevity, though they subsequently fell out. That company, too, has gone quiet. And there is a string of other hopefuls in the field, many with billionaires like Dr Milner and Mr Page lurking in the background. Indeed, there are rumors, which Altos will not confirm, that Jeff Bezos is one of its investors—for the prolongation of life is a field that seems particularly attractive to the man (and it usually is a man) who otherwise has everything.



    Every day, more than 130 people in the United States die after overdosing on opioids.1 The misuse of and addiction to opioids—including prescription pain relieversheroin, and synthetic opioids such as fentanyl—is a serious national crisis that affects public health as well as social and economic welfare. The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that the total "economic burden" of prescription opioid misuse alone in the United States is $78.5 billion a year, including the costs of healthcare, lost productivity, addiction treatment, and criminal justice involvement.

    How did this happen?

    In the late 1990s, pharmaceutical companies reassured the medical community that patients would not become addicted to prescription opioid pain relievers, and healthcare providers began to prescribe them at greater rates. This subsequently led to widespread diversion and misuse of these medications before it became clear that these medications could indeed be highly addictive.3,4Opioid overdose rates began to increase. In 2017, more than 47,000 Americans died because of an opioid overdose, including prescription opioids, heroin, and illicitly manufactured fentanyl, a powerful synthetic opioid. That same year, an estimated 1.7 million people in the United States suffered from substance use disorders related to prescription opioid pain relievers, and 652,000 suffered from a heroin use disorder (not mutually exclusive).


    1. Advances in Biophysics©

    advances-in-biophysics.pdf (

    Advances in Biophysics (

    Advances in Biophysics© (


    1. this is well documented and here are only two of many references:

    Case study - Edward Jenner and vaccination - Medicine in 18th- and 19th-century Britain, c.1700-c.1900 - Edexcel - GCSE History Revision - Edexcel - BBC Bitesize

    BBC - History - British History in depth: Smallpox: Eradicating the Scourge


    1. Rockefeller, Carnegie and Flexner are well documented with most reports citing them as the start of the pharmaceutical monopoly:

    John Rockefeller: How he took control over Modern Medicine - Herland Report (

    The Rockefellers, The Flexner Report, The AMA, And Their Effect On Alternative 1910: The Year American Medicine Changed Forever | RealClearScience

    Nutritional (botanical) Medicine | TRUTH IN PLAIN SIGHT

    1. Soil is Life and the Importance of Asking Questions

    Soil, the Immune System and Cancer. Questions Must be Asked!


    1. The Economist March 4th, 2023. Eat, Inject, Repeat. Curing obesity, worldwide


    1. The Covid Crisis - A Turning Point in History - It has to be!


    1. CellSonic Cures Covid-19 in Ten Minutes

    CellSonic Cures Covid-19 in Ten Minutes: Andrew Hague: Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming: Internet Archive

    Cell Sonic Cures Covid-19 in Ten Minutes© (

    CellSonic Cures Covid-19 in Ten Minutes (

    View of CellSonic Cures Covid-19 in Ten Minutes (

    CellSonic Cures Covid-19 in Ten Minutes© (

    International Conference on Organ Donation and Transplantation Science (



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