Open Access Research Article

The Role of NLRC3 Protein in the Proliferation and Apoptosis of Cancer Cells

Xue MA*

Department of Physical Education, Guangxi Medical University, China

Corresponding Author

Received Date: November 05, 2020;  Published Date: December 04, 2020


A large number of experimental studies at home and abroad have demonstrated that NLRC3 protein plays a significant regulatory role in the proliferation and apoptosis of cancer cells.The NLRC3 protein plays an important role in the proliferation and apoptosis of cancer cells. High expression of NLRC3 inhibited the proliferation of tumors, and apoptosis decreased after NLRC3 knockout. NLRC3 is a negative regulator of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/protein kinase B/ mammalian target of rapamycin (PI3K-Akt-MTOR) pathway, which inhibits mTOR activation and reduces proliferation-related mRNA translation and protein synthesis. The structure and protein localization of NLRC3 can easily interact with apaf-1, an engine protein in the apoptotic body, which may be involved in the release of cytochrome c from the mitochondria, leading to enhanced apoptosis of cancer cells. Parsing NLRC3 protein structure, explore NLRC3 proteins in cancer cell proliferation and apoptosis effect and its molecular mechanism in the process of determining how NLRC3 through the inhibition of cell proliferation and promote apoptosis inhibiting tumor, explain the molecular mechanism of cell proliferation, apoptosis signaling pathways, designed for better suppress the occurrence of cancer and the theoretical basis for drugs to treat cancer.

Keywords: Apoptosis; Cancer; Cell proliferation; NLRC3.

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