Open Access Mini Review

Ageing Persons and Rising Responsibilities of Family Caregivers: Minireview

Adhikari RD* and Hui F

Student of Doctoral degree in Nursing, Xiangya School of Nursing, China

Corresponding Author

Received Date: January 25, 2020;  Published Date: January 29, 2020


The global population aged 60 years and over will reach nearly double (2.1 billion) by 2050 than in 2017 (962 million) and 4th times more than of 1980’s population. In 2050, it is estimated that 79% of the world’s population of this aged will be living in the developing countries [1]. Although, this phenomenon of population affects worldwide, the growth has been faster in less developed countries [2]. Increased in life expectancy also increases chronic disabling diseases among older population [3]. Among older adults, about 23% of the total global burden of diseases is presented [4]. Aging itself results in declining in health conditions and increasing in the number of chronic diseases [5]. So, larger numbers of older population specially in developing countries are living with disability because of health risks, injuries and chronic illness. Worldwide, more than 46% of older persons have disabilities and more than 250 million of them experience moderate to severe disability, especially by visual and hearing impairments, dementia, falls and its related injuries, hypertension and Diabetes Meletus and their complications [6].

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