Open Access Short Communication

Depth of Significant Consolidation Pressure underlying Highway Embankment

Sharifullah Ahmed*

Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka–1000, Bangladesh

Corresponding Author

Received Date: August 08, 2022;  Published Date:August 22, 2022


The Consolidation Pressure to be reduced with the depth of subsoil underlying ha highway embankment. The depth of significant stressed zone at which the pressure reduced to 0.2 or 20%. The magnitude of Significant Consolidation Pressure (D) has been obtained for the range of crest width at the top level of the embankment from 5m to 50m and for the range of embankment height from 1m to 12m considering full consolidation pressure (Δσ). Significant stressed zone 20% of full consolidation pressure (Ds,cp) are found as 2-6.2 He for embankment top width 5-50m. These values are too high and separate values of Dsc for 30% consolidation pressure are also evaluated. Significant stressed zone 20% of full consolidation pressure (Ds,cp) are found as 2-6.2 He for embankment top width 5-50m. These values are not too large and practical to use.

Keywords: Consolidation pressure; Highway embankment; Embankment pressure; Significant stressed zone; Stress distribution

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