Review Article
Impact of Local Anesthetics on Intrathecal Anesthesia
Carlos De La Paz Estrada*
Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation,Provincial Pediatric Hospital, Cuba
Carlos De La Paz Estrada, Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Cuba.
Received Date: March 16, 2020; Published Date: April 01, 2020
Of all regional techniques, subarachnoid block is the fastest, most predictable, and most reliable. It is a technique that has unique characteristics for use in ambulatory surgery: immediate initiation of anesthesia, predictable response according to the dose administered, and the possibility of adjusting the anesthetic duration by selecting the appropriate agent. Its main advantages are its easy realization, the quick establishment of the lock, its high effectiveness and reliability and its low toxicity. It is a simple technique to perform since anatomical references are usually easy to locate and the procedure is performed in a short time, even in obese patients. The quality of the blockage is especially evident in interventions of the lower extremities performed with tourniquet and in perineal surgery, thanks to its ability to achieve complete sacral anesthesia. It has low toxicity because the small doses of local anesthetic required eliminate the risk of systemic toxicity in case of inadvertent intravascular injection.
Carlos De La Paz Estrada. Impact of Local Anesthetics on Intrathecal Anesthesia. Anaest & Sur Open Access J. 1(4): 2020. ASOAJ.MS.ID.000517.
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