Open Access Research Article

Electrocardiographic Passing Phenomenon (Flying Phenomenon or Yasser’s Phenomenon) Conveys the Traditional Cardiovascular Management; Interpretations and Reassurance; Retrospective Observational Study

Yasser Mohammed Hassanain Elsayed*

Egyptian Ministry of Health (MOH), Egypt

Corresponding Author

Received Date: February 04, 2020;  Published Date: March 04, 2020


Background: Dynamic changes during an electrocardiographic recording are common alterations. These changes were commonly reported initially as an abnormal diagnosis by cardiologists despite they are unusual taking the opposite normal side. These changes may be passing as physiological or even transient changes. An electrocardiographic dynamic change with their urgent conversion from abnormal to normal way without any medical interference is the key to the new phenomenon.

Method of study and patients: My case study was an observational retrospective eighteen-case report series. The study was conducted in the Emergency Department and Intensive Care Unit of Fraskour Central Hospital, Dar-Esheefa outpatient clinics, and physician outpatient clinic. The study was taken over nearly 30-months, started from February 1, 2016, and, ended on July 16, 2019.

Results: The age averages for the “Passing phenomenon” were: (Range;17-85, mean; 54.83, median; 56, and mode; 56) with equal sex in the study. The following cases were included in the study: Accelerated junctional rhythm (22.22%), mimics ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction with accelerated junctional rhythm (5.56% %), sinus arrhythmia (22.22%), bigeminy (11.11%), trigeminy (11.11%), quadrigeminy (16.67% %), and pentageminy (11.11%). The averages time elapsed between both ECG tracings (minutes) (Range;1-4, mean; 1.638, median; 1.25, and mode; 1). Reassurance for all cases of the study (100%). Reassurance with the presence of organic cardiac cause was only in seven cases of this study (38.89%).

Conclusions: The new “Passing phenomenon” is a transient electrocardiographic change that spontaneously reversed within a few seconds to a few minutes without any medical interventions and apparent hemodynamic impact. Reassurance is immediate therapy. The electrophysiological study is the future advised investigation.

Keywords: Electrocardiogram; Passing phenomenon; Flying phenomenon; Yasser’s phenomenon; Conveys the traditional cardiovascular management; A new cardiovascular phenomenon

Abbreviations: AF: Atrial Fibrillation; AJR: Accelerated Junctional Rhythm; ASD: Atrial Septal Defect; AVN: Atrioventricular Node; BP: Blood Pressure CHB: Complete Heart Block; CTPA: Computed Tomography Pulmonary Angiogram; CXR: Chest X-Rayecg Electrocardiogram; HCV: Hepatitis C Virus; HNJR: High Nodal Junctional Rhythm; HTN: Hypertension; ICU: Intensive Care Unit; IHD: Ischemic Heart Disease; JR: Junctional Rhythms; LNJR: Low Nodal Junctional Rhythm; MI: Myocardial Infarction; NSR: Normal Sinus Rhythm PVC: Premature Ventricular Contraction; RBBB: Right Bundle Branch Block; SA: Sinus Arrhythmia; SAN: Sinoatrial Node; SHD: Structural Heart Disease; SND: Sinus Node Dysfunction; RR: Respiratory Rate; SSS: Sick Sinus Syndrome; STEMI: ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction; SV: Stroke Volume; VR: Ventricular Rate

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