Research Article
The Impact of Injuries on Patients with Epilepsy
Rizaldy Taslim Pinzon1*, Rosa De Lima Renita Sanyasi2, Andre Dharmawan Wijono3, Fransiscus Buwana3, and Jesisca3
1Faculty of Medicine, Duta Wacana Christian University, Indonesia
2Internship Doctor at dr. Efram Harsana Air Force Hospital, Indonesia
3Alumnus of Faculty of Medicine Duta Wacana Christian University, Indonesia
Rizaldy Taslim Pinzon, Faculty of Medicine, Duta Wacana Christian University Bethesda Hospital, Indonesia.
Received Date: November 05, 2018; Published Date: December 06, 2018
Background: Epilepsy affects the individual’s physical and psychosocial life. People with epilepsy are more prone to physical injury. The incidence of physical injuries has impact on the life of people with epilepsy and it is worsening quality of life (QoL). Identification of predictors for QoL enables comprehensive and effective care.
Objective: This study aimed to knowing the correlation between physical injuries and QoL in patient with epilepsy.
Methods: This study was a cross sectional study. The data is primary data from questionaire filled by patients and medical record at Bethesda Hospital, Yogyakarta. The QoL of epilepsy patients were interviewed using SF-8 questionnaire.
Results: During a total of 29 patients, seizure-related injuries were identified in 10 patients (34,5%). Most injuries were softtissue injuries (70%), and the others were accidents (20%) and burns (10%). Patients with history of injuries had lower mental health (46.97) but had higher physical health (48.20) than subjects without injuries (mental health 46.99 and Physical health 46.22). Three of those patients (10,3%) reporting injuries required hospital treatment and they had a lower mental health (42.05) than without hospitalization (mental health 47.55).
Conclusion: Epilepsy had an impact on quality of life. Patients with history of injuries had a lower quality of life score for mental health but higher for physical health.
Keywords: Quality of life; People with epilepsy; Injury; Short form 8 health survey
Rizaldy Taslim Pinzon, Rosa De Lima Renita Sanyasi, Andre Dharmawan Wijono, Fransiscus Buwana, Jesisca. The Impact of Injuries on Patients with Epilepsy. Arch Neurol & Neurosci. 2(1): 2018. ANN.MS.ID.000530.
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