Review Article
Syncope in the Context of Disorganization of Neural and Glial Network of a Brain
Rosman SV*
Physician of functional diagnostics of SBIH, Regional psychoneurological clinic, Russia
Rosman SV, Physician of functional diagnostics of SBIH, Regional psychoneurological clinic, Tver, Russian Federation, Russia.
Received Date: September 24, 2018; Published Date: October 16, 2018
By means of a new method - dispersion of amplitude-frequency characteristics of an alpha rhythm of EEG the evidence that to a syncope is a consequence of functional disorganization of neural and glial network of a brain with a hypofrontality that can become the reason of the termination of information exchange between an organism and the external environment in the presence of the minimum violations of blood supply which aren’t registered at cardiological inspection are produced.
Keywords: Syncope; Dispersion of alpha rhythm
Abbreviations: NGNB: Neural and Glial Network of a Brain; DAFCAR EEG: Dispersion of Ampli-tude-Frequency Characteristics of Alpha Rhythm of the Electroencephalogram
Rosman SV. Syncope in the Context of Disorganization of Neural and Glial Network of a Brain. Arch Neurol & Neurosci. 1(3): 2018. ANN.MS.ID.000512.
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