Open Access Short communication

Gratitude and Brain: Representation and Integration

Marco Orsini1*, Patricia Lopes Zanon2, Gabriela Sardella3, Clara de Almeida e Araújo Leite4, Acary Souza Bulle Oliveira5 and Lara Brandão6

1Institute of Psychiatry - IPUB - UFRJ and Universidade Iguaçu, Brazil

2Rio de Janeiro Federal Fluminense, Medicine Department, Brazil

3Fluminense Federal University, Medicine Department, Brazil

4Estácio de Sá University, Medicine Department, Brazil

5São Paulo Federal University, Unifesp - Neurology Department, Brazil

6Neuroradiology, Lara Brandão Institute, Brazil

Corresponding Author

Received Date: April 25, 2023;  Published Date: May 18, 2023


At a conference held in 2013, the Benedictine monk David Steinndl-Rast spoke to the speakers about a new era of changes in consciousness, in which certain people would be able to experience shared happiness and build a better world. In this event, the word gratitude was used frequently. How does the central nervous system react to gratitude? What are the metabolic, neurochemical and neurophysiological changes when gratitude is offered or received? [1] In the central nervous system it is like a dynamic and “archaic” system of levers or pieces of a domino; where a simple act of gratitude causes cascades of neurotransmitters in distinct regions associated with reward and pleasure. Gratitude can be considered a typical socio-moral emotion in the maintenance of human cooperative interpersonal relationships.

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