Open Access Case Report

Cervical Neuralgia Revealing Eagles Syndrome about a Presentation

Anna Modji Basse1*, Halladain Mpung Mansoj2, Adjaratou Dieynabou Sow3, Diagne Ngor Side4, Marième Soda Diop5, Lala Bouna Seck6, Kamadore Touré7, Moustapha Ndiaye8, Amamdou Gallo Diop9

1Department of Neurology, University of Fann Teaching Hospital / Dakar, Senegal

Corresponding Author

Received Date: October 01, 2023;  Published Date: October 20, 2023


Eagle syndrome, first described by Watt Weems Eagle in 1937 [1], is a rare disease affecting approximately 4 to 8 people in 10,000 [2]. It is more common in women than in men (ratio 2:1) and in people aged over 50 [3]. It is characterized by an elongation of the styloid processes and/or calcification of the vite hyoid ligament, classically unilateral or more rarely bilateral [4]. Some patients with elongated styloid processes may never experience clinical symptoms; the abnormality may be an incidental finding during a CT scan. Differential diagnoses include temporomandibular disorders, ear pathologies, skeletal neck pain, trigeminal and glossopharyngeal neuralgia. Here we report a case diagnosed with right c5 neck pain.

Keywords:Cervicalgia; Eagles syndrome

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