Conceptual Paper
Autism and Addiction to Video Games?
Jesus Dueñas Becerra*
Department of Psychology, Member of the Center for Studies of the Archdiocese of Havana, Cuba
Jesus Dueñas Becerra, Department of Psychology, Member of the Center for Studies of the Archdiocese of Havana, Cuba.
Received Date: September 16, 2019; Published Date: September 24, 2019
Dr. Elsa Gutiérrez Baró (1926-2019), professor emeritus of the University of Medical Sciences of Havana, contacted us, to raise a problem of child-youth mental health that worries her in the highest degree. In recent times, he is seeing in consultation - with relative frequency - children and adolescents, who have been diagnosed with autism, because the clinical picture they present evokes the presence of this genetic cause condition. However, autism - as a nosographic entity - has nothing to do with the origin of the symptoms that these patients suffer.
Jesus Dueñas Becerra. Autism and Addiction to Video Games?. Arch Neurol & Neurosci. 5(1): 2019. ANN.MS.ID.000603.
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