Open Access Case Report

Acute Transverse Myelitis Post-Vaccine Covid 19 as A Revealing Mode of NMOSD: A Case Report

Alloussi Houda*, Adraoui Yassine, Aziz Ahizoun, Youssouf Benmoh, Mouloudi Najoua, and Bourazza Ahmed

Department of Neurology and Neurophysiology, Military Hospital Mohammed V Rabat, Morocco

Corresponding Author

Received Date: August 04,2023;  Published Date: August 31, 2023


After the word pandemic Sarscov2 and the advent of covid 19 vaccination, a wide range of neurological complications are continually being reported; we illustrate the clinical case of a 21-year-old man, who was admitted for a spinal cord syndrome with D12-L1 sensory level two weeks after vaccination covid 19 and was diagnosed with acute transverse myelitis associated with positives antibodies AQP4. Our case presents a temporal association with covid 19 vaccination demonstrated by the onset of symptoms after the 1st dose and the worsening of symptoms after the administration of the 2nd dose. After review of the literature, four cases of NMOSD have been reported in post-vaccination; We suggest that our case is the fifth.

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