Open Access Research Article

The Geophysical Weapons – Myth, Manipulation or Truth

Boyko Ranguelov*

Department of Geophysics, Mining and Geology University, Bulgaria

Corresponding Author

Received Date: March 14, 2023;  Published Date: March 24, 2023


A popular expose is presented dealing with the problematic topic on the development and use of geophysical, climatic, tectonic, geochemical and similar suspected weapons. Media attention to this kind of development was again actively intensified after the strong earthquakes in Turkey on February 6th, 2023. Is there such kind of weapons developed, or is it just media speculation? What is HAARP, SURA, EISKAT and other similar systems for? The physical foundations of such systems are presented in a popular form, and the seismic, gravitational, and other similar artificial effects on the Earth, its magnetic field, and climate changes are discussed.

Keywords: Geophysical weapons; theory and practice; climate; systems; impacts

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