Open Access Research Article

A Psychosocial Transformation Strategy to Promote Favorable Behavioral Changes in Adolescents of The Cuba Libre District

Eliseth Castro Peñate*

Department of Psychology, University of Provincial Center for Sports Medicine, Cuba

Corresponding Author

Received Date:September 01, 2023;  Published Date:September 13, 2023

Based on the significant results that were obtained, over several years, from the implementation of the Psychosocial Transformation Program developed by the Psychosocial Health Studies Group of the Center for Psychological and Sociological Research (CIPS) in collaboration with the NGO (Non-profit Organization Government) Switzerland Zunzún, as well as the demand to carry out the project in other communities of the country, aroused the desire to share the developed methodology, with the intention of motivating the multiplication of similar experiences, in different communities of the country. Our research responds to this national project aimed at training multipliers. Scientific studies carried out in Cuba and internationally demonstrate that the practice of sport enhances human capabilities, promotes the learning of basic values and favors socialization processes through collective games, from sports to traditional ones; these aspects that are presented with insufficiencies in the Cuba Libre Popular Council of the municipality of Pinar del Río. This community is characterized by a marked social disadvantage with antisocial behavior of its citizens.

The previous arguments support the theoretical-practical importance of the research and its relevance from the social point of view, leading to the approach of:

Scientific problem

How contribute to a psychosocial transformation that promotes favorable behavioral changes in adolescents between 13 and 15 years of age from the Cuba Libre Popular Council of the municipality of Pinar del Río?


To elaborate a strategy of psychosocial transformations focused on group sports practices that promote favorable behavioral changes in adolescents between 13 and 15 years of age from the Cuba Libre Popular Council of Pinar del Río.


To carry out this research, the Dialectical-Materialist method was assumed as a general method. The qualitative approach is essentially used. Research and action are combined with a psychosocial vision in understanding the problem. It also allows selecting, substantiating and integrating theoretical methods: historical -logical, analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction, modeling and systemic method; and empirical inquiry methods and techniques: semi-structured interview, observation, five wishes technique, Sentence completion, workshops, documentary analysis, methodological triangulation technique; to apply them consistently to the investigation. 16 adolescent volunteers, between 13 and 15 years old from Circumscription 168 and 32, of the Cuba Libre Popular Council, participate in the research. In addition, the family and directors of the Cuba Libre Popular Council participate indirectly.

The contribution to the theory of this research lies in the fact that, based on the systematization of the theoretical-conceptual referents of other authors, it allows us the intentional construction of strategies and the development of actions aimed at guaranteeing the sustainability of the experiences of psychosocial transformation, preparing social actors to accompany or facilitate it. scientific novelty of the research lies in revealing the dynamic, flexible, contextualized and differentiating character of this Psychosocial Transformation Strategy focused on group sports practices, so that it promotes favorable behavioral changes in adolescents between 13 and 15 years of age from the Cuba Libre Popular Council of Pinar del Rio, and promote their quality of life in the different spheres of action.

The methodology used to carry out the diagnosis confirmed the characteristics of the current state that distinguish the process of psychosocial transformation to promote favorable behavioral changes in adolescents between 13 and 15 years of age from the Cuba Libre Popular Council. The indicators that had the most impact was hostility in the group atmosphere, attitudes of rejection towards harmful habits and experiences of dissatisfaction with life. It was evident that the behavior of the adolescents studied is not favorable nor are they in a desired state for the improvement of the quality of life and confirmed the relevance of the existing problem, referring to the social disadvantage marked by antisocial behaviors of its residents. It was found that there are strengths such as the willingness of the members of the Cuba Libre Popular Council and the participating subjects to carry out and participate in the research respectively; the need to perfect psychosocial transformation strategies by community members; existence of necessary means and instruments, from a psychological and sporting point of view, to carry out the research.

The development of the Psychosocial Transformation Strategy focused on Group Sports Practices to promote favorable behavioral changes in adolescents between 13 and 15 years old was designed based on the needs of this population group and the reality of the community. It is composed of a set of actions contemplated in 4 specific strategic actions, planned in a set of actions and adapted to the peculiarities of the community in a dynamic and participatory way. Some of the most notable changes lie in the transformation of the strategic actions that make up the proposal, its significance is given in a greater correspondence between the preference for sports practice and its performance during the free time of the group of adolescents, thereby promoting an improvement of the quality of life of this group from the favorable behavioral changes. The proposal constitutes a valuable contribution to Social Psychology from its structural elements and actions of each of them, it enhances the development of more proactive attitudes in adolescents and social skills with the aim of achieving long-term psychosocial transformations for a better development in society. The execution of this strategy has favored greater identification of inappropriate behaviors and attitudes of rejection towards harmful habits and antisocial behaviors.



Conflict of Interest

No Conflict of Intertest.

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