Open Access Case Report

Use of Silimarin in the Treatment of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (Nafld)

Sander BQ*, Barcellos HB, Barbosa ERA, Oeiras CR, Veríssimo AR, Oliveira FEM, Dantas LC, Marques JMG, Oliveira REM, Portela E, Sindorf ML, Rezende FA, Sena WR, Moura TA, Rodrigues IW, Mendonça Filho PRR, Rocha GG, Chalita HGJ, Silva JA, Andreatta MFS, Coelho AT and Pereira CRT

Sander Medical Center, Brazil

Corresponding Author

Received Date: June 30, 2021;  Published Date: July 15, 2021


Non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis is characterized by steatosis and necroinflammation, with or without centrilobular fibrosis [1], in cases where the deposit of lipids in hepatocytes exceeds 5% of the total weight of the liver and there is no other causes of hepatic involvement [2]. Therefore, in its diagnosis it is necessary to exclude viral hepatitis, use of drugs that promote parenchymal alterations, autoimmune hepatitis, hemochromatosis, Wilson’s disease, or significant alcohol consumption above 30 g daily for men, and 20 g daily for women [3]. The main risk factors for its development are the components of the metabolic syndrome, weight gain, insulin resistance, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia [1]. These risk factors suggest reasons for the increased prevalence of nonalcoholic hepatic steatosis in the world, probably as a result of changes in lifestyle and eating habits, with increasing consumption of carbohydrates, also contributing to the evolution of diagnostic methods for the disease. This prevalence, although the numbers may vary between authors, is currently estimated at 20% to 40% in the world population, and this high incidence has become a source of concern for health professionals [3-6].

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