Case Report
The Use of Sucralfate in Clinical Practice
Sander BQ*, Siqueira RS, Tomazelli JJ, Rezende FA, Tinoco NB, Alvariz ES, Tosta Jr FV, Vidal MFP, Portela E, Neto e Silva GJT, Daghastanli AA, Fraga MG, Palma LGR, Coila WC, Daud BJD, Nobrega G, Silva M, Lobato ICCC, Povoa N, Gonçalves DM, Silva Neto FM, Dias MF, Rocha LVD and Espirito Santo BCC
Sander Medical Center, Brazil
Sander BQ, Sander Medical Center, Brazil.
Received Date: August 08, 2022; Published Date: August 18, 2022
Sucralfate is a complex salt of sucrose sulfate and aluminum hydroxide. In it, the sulfated disaccharide is formed by the combination of a sucrose octosulfate plus aluminum hydroxide1 (Figure 1). This substance is a cytoprotector and is used for the most diverse conditions and gastrointestinal diseases [1, 2], with reports of use also for various skin conditions [3-5].
Sander BQ*, Siqueira RS, Tomazelli JJ, Rezende FA, Tinoco NB, Alvariz ES, Tosta Jr FV, Vidal MFP, Portela E etc all... The Use of Sucralfate in Clinical Practice. Acad J Gastroenterol & Hepatol. 3(3): 2022. AJGH.MS.ID.000561.