Open Access Case Report

Lip Pit without a Pit - A Case Report

Khurshid A Mattoo*

Department of Prosthodontics, College of dentistry, Jazan University, Jazan, (KSA)

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Received Date: December 16, 2019;  Published Date: January 13, 2020


Pitting of the lips is a is a sign of a developmental disorder which may or may not be associated with other systemic abnormalities. Lip pits are mostly associated with either cardiovascular or cerebral systemic disorders. The case present in this clinical report is unique since it presents a case of lip pit that failed to develop although its physical evidence was present. The patient was a young adult who was seeking dental treatment for an endodontically treated tooth, which was successfully accomplished with a porcelain fused to metal single crown.

Keywords: Hereditary; Commissure; Vander woudes syndrome; Chromosome


Being a part of medical academics for the last two decades, while trying to build good human values within myself and my students, it has come to my notice often, that while human beings have shown utmost concern about endangering living species, we have never taken a look at our values and observed which values have literally become obsolete among us. If the fear of the almighty God would be nonexistent among humans, then the only thing that would direct and judge us is our conscience and our ability to refine consciousness. Since the two attributes are completely different in the scientific world, for a nonscientific person they are no different. While the term consciousness is actually a job of a human mind which receives and processes the received information while storing it after refinement, the human conscience is the fundamental ability of a healthy human being to perceive right from wrong, truth from falsehood, just from unjust, good from evil, fair from unfair, honesty from dishonesty and to some extent the choice of peace than war. In short, if one cannot draw the line between the two, he may be declared mentally unhealthy. While the last century saw startling violations by doctors whether it was in Russia (electro – shocking political dissidents), Germany (barbaric medical experiments on prisoners), United states of America (Tuskegee experiments), India (organ trafficking and abortion abuse), this century is witnessing medical violation and corruption in every format of medical practice.

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