Open Access Research Article

The Use of Eden Energy Medicine in the Treatment of Allergies: Overview and Case Series

David Feinstein* and Donna Eden

Innersource, Ashland, Oregon, USA

Corresponding Author

Received Date:April 18, 2024;  Published Date:April 29, 2024


Background: Allergies are among the most frequent medical complaints worldwide, and their prevalence, severity, and cost continue to rise. Increasing numbers of patients are seeking alternative treatments, including an approach known as “energy medicine.” Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) is a novel energy medicine approach that manually stimulates acupuncture points while integrating other procedures from contemporary as well as time-honored healing systems.
Objective: To examine the effectiveness of EEM with three women experiencing severe allergy symptoms.
Methods: Three cases are described, using self-reports of treatments, symptoms, symptom severity, and the healing process. Each individual participated in a detailed clinical interview assessing their progress and also completed the RAND 36-Item Health Survey retrospectively (estimating the replies they would have had prior to their EEM treatments and then after their treatments.
Results: Over the course of EEM treatment, each individual showed marked improvements in the number of symptoms and the subjective symptom severity (initially at 10 of 10 in all three cases and reduced to 0 or 1). Overall total Rand Scores increased from 1,145 to 3,425; 180 to 3,350; and 165 to 3,580, respectively (higher scores correspond with better health and functioning, with the highest possible score being 3,600).
Conclusions: EEM treatments of three women whose allergies were estimated as being in the severe to life-threatening range were chronicled. In all three cases, symptoms were reduced to mild or non-existent, as determined by the participants’ subjective reports and corroborated by their EEM practitioner.

Keywords: Acupressure; acupuncture; allergies; biofield; chemical sensitivities; complementary and alternative medicine; energy medicine; meridians

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