Open Access Short Communication

From Victim to Survivor: A Case Study of Resilience

Susan Phipps Yonas* and Megan Peterson

Forensic Psychologist in Phoenix, Arizona, United States of America

Corresponding Author

Received Date:March 11, 2024;  Published Date:March 28, 2024


In late 2016 the first author was asked by attorney Jeff Anderson to evaluate his client, the second author, to address the question as to whether she had sustained psychological injuries as a result of having been sexually abused by her parish priest, Father Joseph Palanivel Jeyapaul, on multiple occasions when she was 15. She was suing the Diocese of Crookston since the assaults had occurred at the Blessed Sacrament Church in Greenbush, Minnesota, where her family worshipped. Criminal charges against the priest were on hold because shortly after Megan disclosed what had happened, with his arrest pending, Father Teyapaul had left the US to travel to his native India, reportedly to be with his ailing mother.

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