Open Access Review Article

The Ontology of the Absolute Vacuum

Paul C Mocombe*

West Virginia State University, The Mocombeian Foundation, USA

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Received Date: October 19, 2022;  Published Date: October 07, 2022


This article highlights the ontological nature of the absolute vacuum in Mocombe’s phenomenological structuralism and consciousness field theories. Mocombe posits that the human mind or consciousness is presented with brute facts, relations, and things of the multiverse, which it attempts to reify and universalize through concepts of language, mathematics, and social structure. The facts, relations, and things of the world emanate from what Mocombe calls the absolute vacuum, a nonlocal and nonspatial material substance (subatomic particles) where all of the information, including consciousness, of the multiverse are one, existing as a probability wavefunction, and recycled to reproduce entangled and superimposed material worlds. It (the absolute vacuum) is, as the Eleatic philosophers posited about the void, one, whole, uncreated, and limited.

Keywords: Structurationism; Praxis; Panpsychism; Social Class Language Game; Phenomenological Structuralism; ORCH-OR Theory; Univon Multiverse Hypothesis; Free-will; Determinism; Haitian Epistemology; Consciousness Field Theory; Conscious Electromagnetic Information Theory (CEMI)

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