Open Access Case Report

Retropharyngeal Course of the Internal Carotid Artery: A Case Report

Tatun TV1, Astapenka KP2, Valchkevich DA*, Tokina I Yu1, Savoshchenya D1

1Department of Normal Anatomy, Grodno State Medical University, Belarus

2Department of X-ray computer diagnostics, Grodno University Clinic, Belarus

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Received Date: May 11, 2023;  Published Date: May 31, 2023


A clinical case of bilateral C-shaped medial tortuosity of the internal carotid arteries and their location in the retropharyngeal space is described, and the anatomical and topographic features of the vessels of the head and neck on multiplanar reconstructions of CT images are considered in detail. Morphometric, topographic and X-ray anatomical characteristics of the internal carotid artery were established.

Keywords: Computer tomography; Internal carotid artery; Retropharyngeal space; Multiplanar reconstructions of CT images

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