Open Access Review Article

Application Of Clavi Therapy in a Patient After Stroke and Cerebellum, Patient Case Report Mian M. Musabbir, MD, PHD, Made After 6 Days of Treatment by Dr. Barbasiewicz Ferdinand, Author of The Molecular Method of Biocybernetic Clavitherapy, Not Invasive.

Ferdynand Barbasiewicz*

Clavitherapy Centre, Strzeniowka, 10 Jezynowa St.05-830 Nadarzyn, Warsaw, Poland

Corresponding Author

Received Date: April 28, 2023;  Published Date: May 10, 2023


Clavitertherapy is a new diagnostic and therapeutic direction in medicine having its beginning in the 60s of the twentieth century. The author of this new, pioneering method is Polish psych neurologist Dr. Ferdynand Barbasiewicz.

The mechanisms of action of Clavitherapy have a scientific basis. To apply this method in diagnostics and therapy, it is necessary to have detailed knowledge of neurology, anatomy, including primarily the nervous and circulatory systems of man. The scientific basis of this method differs from acupuncture or acupressure. The diagnostic and therapeutic method of clavi therapy is non-invasive and so far, no contraindications to its use have been found. The exception is: a patient after organ transplantation and extreme wasting of the nervous system, without verbal communication. The experience of the author of clavi therapy shows that this method is extremely effective, among others: in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system with particular emphasis on neuropathy/demyelinating polyneuropathy in multiple sclerosis, in the early period of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, strokes, in cardiology, in oncology but in the earliest development at the pathomorphological level with the elimination of pituitary disorders with the abolition of the state of infection of the duty lymph nodes with liquidation metastasis lines and restoration of immune resistance.

Keywords: Clavitherapy; Acupuncture; Biocybernetics; Stroke

Patient and Method

Clavitherapy was used in a 51-year-old patient Dr. Miana M. Musabbir, a specialist in forging, after stroke and cerebellum.

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