Open Access Opinion

Establishing the Equation of the Wave Function and the System Model (ρ, m, v)

Mohamed Daris*

Department of Mathematical Physics, University Rabbat Morocco, Morocco

Corresponding Author

Received Date: April 17,2019;  Published Date: April 26, 2019


In this section a relation which establishes universal parameters of the matter will give us a new model that I call them the model (ρ, m, v) but in this model I will put relations between the parameters of the matter and the wave function and I’m going to explain that they are linking together the wave function plays the role of the wave function of matter and energy at the same time this gives us access to a new aspect that is a relationship of the wave function with mass and density makes it easier for us to exploit other relationships for the new model.

Keywords: New acceleration of light; Infinite spaces; Energy; Mass; Density; Full vacuum; Wave functions

Abbreviations: M: Mass; V: Volume; ρ: Density; E: Energy; C: Speed of Light; γ: New speed of Light; Ψ: Wave Function; TF : Time of the Universe

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