Research Article
Biomathematical Analysis of the Liver Fibrosis
Zhao Bin1,2*, Deng Lebin1, Yuan Li1 and Gao Guosheng1
1Department of mathematics and Finance, Hanjiang Normal University, China
2College of Science, Northwest A&F University, China
Zhao Bin, Department of mathematics and Finance, Hanjiang Normal University, Shiyan, Hubei, China.
Received Date: July 16, 2018; Published Date: August 13, 2018
Liver fibrosis is the final common stage of the most chronic liver diseases, it is caused by several factors which lead to a major worldwide health care burden. Over the decades, the understanding of the liver fibrosis disease was growing rapidly, several studies reported that this progress could be regressed or reversed, which give us a bright prospect in developing anti-fibrotic therapies.
In this experiment, liver fibrosis was fully developed after CCl4 induction for 7 weeks in eight animals. Clinical pathologic parameters, four indicators of hepatic fibrosis in monkey showed similarly changes in human. All animals had liver fibrosis after 1.5 months of CCl4 induction, and liver fibrosis still existed after 9 months recovery periods, the fibrosis stages in most animals had no obvious regression without treatment. Biomathematical analysis of the liver fibrosis would aid to utilize the anti-fibrotic therapies and their derivatives for various biomedical applications.
Keywords: Liver fibrosis; Animal model; CCl4; Reverse
Zhao Bin, Deng Lebin, Yuan Li, Gao Guosheng. Biomathematical Analysis of the Liver Fibrosis. Annal Biostat & Biomed Appli. 1(1): 2018. ABBA.MS.ID.000501.
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