Open Access Research Article

Symmetry of a Set of Leaves in The Average And Asymmetry of Each Leaf of a Birch (Betula Pendula)In The Dynamics of Ontogenesis

P. M. Mazurkin*

Dr. tech. sciences, prof., Volga State University of Technology,

Corresponding Author

Received Date:April 25, 2023;  Published Date:May 18, 2023


A method is shown for analyzing the vibrational adaptation of each birch leaf in the growing state by measuring the left and right sides in the dynamics of ontogeny and fluctuations in the asymmetry of 12 morphological characters. Comparison proved that the fluctuating asymmetry in 25 leaves, on average, obeys the Gaussian law of normal distribution, but for each leaf at different growing periods, wave transitions from left to right asymmetry and back are observed at a statistical significance level of 0.01 (measurement errors of 1%). The scientific novelty is the ontogeny of the meadow grass population according to the data of T. A. Rabotnov in terms of population size from age and the ontogeny of each leaf of drooping birch without cutting consists primarily not of state stages, which is secondary, but of behavior quanta in the form of asymmetric wavelet signals, fractally distributed in time of ontogeny in the form of a set of components. In a birch leaf, the fluctuation is aimed at equalizing the asymmetry. The maximum relative modeling error for five components is 2.83%. A method for measuring the photodynamics of the morphological features of each registration sheet is proposed. The method of wavelet analysis of oscillatory adaptation of plants can be used for ontogeny dynamics series obtained in the past and future to identify asymmetric wavelet signals.

Keywords:Birch; Leaves; Ontogeny; Dynamics; Patterns

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